Title: Memories of a Life Not Lived
Rating: PG, because even though he's Canadian Rodney still has a potty mouth
Category: Angst/Humor
Summary: Rodney wakes up in the infirmary with a woman waiting at his bedside who claims to have known him for the last year and a half. Is it a sinister Pegasus galaxy alien conspiracy or is it something more?
Pairing or Character: Rodney/OFC (kind of)
Warnings: Just the OFC, if that's not your thing, don't click the link.
Word Count: 15,000+
Here's the link, because I thought it was awfully long to put behind a cut -
http://k.domaindlx.com/LdyAnne/MemoriesofaLife.htm So, well, yeah, my first story in the Atlantis universe (well if you don't count the one posted at Kill Dr. Weir). Please be kind, I do have more stories planned - gen and slash ;-)