Small Miracles

Jan 27, 2010 22:02

Title: Small Miracles
Chapter Count: 1 for now...WIP
Pairing: John/Elizabeth (eventually)
Genre: angst, whump (more emo and mental than physical), adventure, hurt/comfort
Rating: R (language/violence)
Warnings: whump
Summary: John gets a lead on where to find Elizabeth and goes off on his own to find her.  With the help of his team and Carter, they manage to get her home, but is she going to ever be the same?

Small Miracles

author:drewandian, alternate_reality, h/c, rescue mission, sheppard/weir h/c, ronon gen, team fic, whump!, episode tag, drama, sheppard/weir, ronon friendship, ronon angst, sheppard/weir friendship, sheppard/weir pre-ship, sheppard gen, mckay, season 4, mckay angst, sheppard angst, torture, sheppard, sam carter, friendship: weir & sheppard, friendship, nanites, sam carter gen, mckay gen, episode related, het, ronon, weir, .wip, sheppard/weir angst

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