Hi there, I've posted this in 2 diff places so sorry if folks see it again!
I used to come on here a while ago and I looove John/Elizabeth stories! I don't come on livejournal much anymore but a while ago I found an old Sheppard/Weir fic that I started and finished in 2006. I really really like it! (It was making me swoon reading it...) I want to do a follow up...but don't know if anyone would be interested, or is interested in my first. So, if anyone fancies checking out the first section of my fic and commenting I'd love it (:
It's my first Atlantis fic...I used to write loads of Trip/T'Pol from Enterprise =D I'm not very savvy with livejournal, but if you go to my journal here on this page --->
http://moaningminnie.livejournal.com/1331.html you can check it out. Please let me know what you think (: