Pegasus Dictionaries (Abridged) / By Any Other Name / Catching Clouds

Jul 22, 2008 09:57

TITLE: Pegasus Dictionaries (Abridged)
FANDOM: Stargate Atlantis
LENGTH/RATING: 100 words, PG, Gen
PAIRING/CHARACTER: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard
SUMMARY: Response to drabbles 30 Days of Drabbles, Day #1 Prompt: Image.
( Their guide led them to a waterfall, curling long and low across the river.)

TITLE: By Any Other Name
FANDOM: Stargate Atlantis
LENGTH/RATING: 621 words, PG, Gen
PAIRING/CHARACTER: Imaginary Gate Team 5 (Ant, Matt), John Sheppard
SUMMARY: Sequel of sorts to Pegasus Logic for Beginners, plus obligatory cameos by Imaginary Gate Team 5. Written for the sga_flashfic Animal, Mineral, Vegetable challenge, but finished too late, alas.
( The incoming marines aren't newbies by anyone's definition, Stargate Command knows better than to send anyone less than their best.)

TITLE: Catching Clouds (or: Bureaucracy meets the Pegasus Galaxy)
FANDOM: Stargate Atlantis
LENGTH/RATING: 100 words, PG-13, Gen
PAIRING/CHARACTER: Samantha Carter, John Sheppard
SUMMARY: How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? - The Sound of Music. Written for sga_flashfic Animal, Mineral, Vegetable challenge.
( "I hate multiple choice.")

sheppard humor, mutation, drabble, sheppard, creature_feature, sheppard/atlantis, sam carter, pov, crack!fic, sam carter gen, challenges, mckay gen, atlantis (sentient), chuck, sheppard gen, mckay, chuck gen, author:martha_(and_cat), character study, original character, humor

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