Fic: Alive

Jul 16, 2008 16:15

a wee bit of J/R for the afternoon...

Title: Alive
Author: Kyizi
Genre: Stargate: Atlantis
Disclaimer: Oh, boys, be mine? *sigh* They belong to someone who isn't me, but I've borrowed and I'm sure I'll eventually return them...

Notes: I was having a debate with loriel_eris about her finally writing some of the fics she's been teasing me with for years and this wee fic came up as an example of...something? *shrugs*

( He hadn't thought much before leaving his room; hadn't thought to put on his socks, or shoes, hadn't picked up his t-shirt or fastened the top button on his BDUs, but he's suddenly aware of being stripped bare on the spot. )
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