(no subject)

Jun 05, 2008 16:24

Title: Ice cream
Type/Pairing: John/Elizabeth, kid!story
Main Characters: John Sheppard, his son Daniel and innocent bystanders
Rating: G
Warning: kid!fic
Beta: none. i wrote this in five minutes. It's really short.
Disclaimer: sadly, not mine.
Summary: it's about those unexpected things kids say and make their parents want to fall through the face of the earth.

Click for the story. 

sheppard humor, drabble, sheppard angst, daniel, earth, family, sheppard, future fic, pov, implied het, mckay humor, author:anuna81, post-atlantis, established-ship, fluff, sheppard/son, kid!fic, sheppard gen, canon character/omc, future, original character, alternate_universe, gen, humor, sheppard fluff

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