(no subject)

Mar 17, 2008 00:04

Hi, This is my first post here and this is my first try at writing ever...

Title: The More Things Change
Rating: G
Character: Lorne
Genre: general
Disclaimer: I own nothing, though I wish I did.
Word count: 660

Authors note:  This is my first try at writing ever, and I don’t know how bad it is but I thought I would give I it a try and you know starting small always helps…though I am not sure that 660 words is considered small.

Lorne never thought that after working at the SGC, his life could get any stranger. He had gotten  so use to the weirdness of Jaffa and Goa’uld, replicators  and the occasional clone, not to mention all the pathogens the gate teams had brought through, that the normalcy one would feel outside of the mountain if one didn’t know about gate travel became abnormal to him. So yes after years off being on an off world team, of the torturing, stranding, alien influences and the routine of watching SG-1 coming in home in their routine way, Major Evan Lorne thought his life could not get any weirder.

However, he never did factor in Atlantis and the Pegasus Galaxy. His first hurdle had to deal with an overly laid back Colonel, which after years of being Edwards XO, was more than enough to through his equilibrium off. But Sheppard was different even more so considering everything his CO’s had to say about him. As he figured it, O’Neill liked him though which said a lot even if Landry and the IOA and everyone else disagreed, so he wasn’t going to question it.

It would take awhile to get use to having a Civilian in charge though. He was there when Doctor Weir was given command of the SGC, but considering the fact that everyone back then was worrying about O’Neill and what had happened in Antarctica, no one could blame him for being pissed off that the President had put a civilian in charge. Lorne was relying on mission reports considering he had so far not spent any time with his new CO.

The Wraith, they were a concept he definitely need to see before he actually believe. Years fighting the war against the Goa’uld and the replicator, makes the very idea that there could be something worse out there is too big to grasp. He knows that the Wraith scare his superiors, but also gets that removing Sheppard and Weir would be a mistake because as much experience as the SGC has dealing with wars and aliens, they have no idea how to deal with space vampires that see humans as food and that they really should leave it to people  who have the experience

He didn’t mind transferring to another galaxy that was farther than he had ever traveled before, that was par for his life and something that with all this upheaval around him was the one thing that was somewhat normal. He didn't mind the three week journey as he got to know more about the people he would be working with. He had worked with enough Marines to know the only problem would be that they were MARINES and he didn’t know of anything that could change what has been so ingrained into their behavior. The Colonel, he did not have a problem with per say, but he had interacted with him enough back on Earth to realize that his command style was going to take getting use to, he has yet to figure out if the ay he acts on Earth is for the Brass or if it’s just what he wants everyone to see. He knows that it is probably both and that it will take awhile to see who Colonel John Sheppard really is, if ever does.  But he had heard Sheppard’s marines talk and even heard enough of the civilians and knew that he would be honored to work with him, even if it earned him many a headaches in time.

But as he gets ready to beam down from the Deadulus after a night of worrying about a Wraith virus that wanted to destroy them, Lorne figures that life on Atlantis may not be as strange as he had thought, that maybe just maybe it will be as normal as he has considered the last years with the SGC to be. He doesn’t know if that thought should terrify him or not.

any comments would be appreciated

author:sgpr_fan, lorne gen, drabble, character study, lorne, gen

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