Author's Note: Well, here it is, the debut magnum opus that I've been hinting about for the past couple weeks. It's actually not that long -- the text is only about 6000 words. But there are 8 thematically-related songvids embedded in the text. *g*
Title: Candy Floss
Author: Hesternic
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Summary: In an Alternate Universe, Rodney runs away from the SGC to join the circus, instead of going on the Atlantis mission. Then he meets a handsome motorcycle stunt driver who teaches him that love can conquer fear.
Word Count: approx. 6000
Warning: Clowns, Songvids
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Beta: Rusty Armour
Disclaimer: The corporation that actually owns these characters would never let them run away to join the circus. So, I had to help them escape.
"Candy Floss" Soundtrack Playlist Candy Floss
Rodney McKay stomped his way along the dusty paths of the fairground in the hot midday sun. The roustabouts were putting up the marquee tents for the show that night, but Rodney was focused on getting to the mess tent for lunch, before all the blue jello was gone. In this late August heat, even jello might melt.
As he hurried along, Rodney noticed a new guy among the circus crew. This wasn’t unusual. Carnies are a nomadic lot, and the staff of this circus tended to change with each engagement, as local people drifted in and out. One more ‘bit of rough’ on the roster was not that surprising.
But Rodney was struck by the sight of this new stranger. He was tall, dark, and lean, and he had his shirt off to work in the blistering summer heat. His tanned shoulders bunched with ropey muscle as he swung his sledgehammer efficiently at the massive tent pegs that held the guy wires of the Big Top in place. His hair was blue-black in the bright sunlight, and it stuck up in tufty spikes despite the wilting humidity of the day. Dark stubble coated his cheeks in a shadow that looked well past 5 o’clock, even this early in the day, giving him a slightly dangerous air.
Read the entire story here.