Title: Musings of the Mad: The Thin Line
Rating: PG13 (bad language)
Character: Rodney McKay
Genre: Introspective angst, humour
Disclaimer: Not mine or the boys would be otherwise occupied…
Wor1d Count: 872
Summary: This is the second of Rodney McKay's 'journal entries' during his time on Atlantis. Set sometime early in the first season.
Personal Journal
Dr. M. Rodney McKay
CSO Atlantis Expedition
Second entry, City of Atlantis
They say that the line between genius and insanity is a thin one. I beg to differ. It’s not a line, it’s a tightrope. Over Niagara fucking falls. And I’m on it. On a unicycle. Blindfolded.
I spend my days surrounded by morons and imbeciles who threaten to knock me off it. What worries me is the possibility that they already have and I was too busy screaming about the idiocy I’m immersed in to notice.
I heard Kavanaugh and Stoltz complaining that I am arrogant, egotistical and condescending. Well, yes I am. It’s difficult being the most brilliant man in two galaxies, and those morons have no idea how taxing it is to slow down and spell everything out for them. There is so much we must get done just to keep the city functioning, never mind the siren song I can feel pulling me to the vast storehouse of information that is just sitting there waiting for us, for when we finally have enough time to spare from scrambling to simply stay alive to explore it - and I am forced to slow down, to *spoon feed* the ground breaking, earth-shattering, mind boggling changes we are discovering about everything we ever believed to be true regarding the nature of the universe to some resentful, jealous so-called peers... well. That makes me a little cranky as Colonel Sheppard would say.
It is fact that I am more intelligent than any three people on Atlantis combined. I am able to make intuitive leaps of logic and reasoning that simply escape anyone else on my staff, though Zelenka comes close. And I will never tell him that or the man will become insufferable. Thankfully, most of them do *get* it the first time I explain, but the ones who don't - this is not what I signed up for. I am not here to hand hold the slow and challenged and listen to them whine because they are not as quick on the uptake as they need to be. And by god, they need to be, every single ONE OF THEM NEED TO BE, because what we are learning and how fast we are able to integrate it with what we already know may be what saves all of our asses in the end.
They think that I take them to task because I enjoy humiliating them - and they have the nerve to call *me* arrogant! They just don't seem to understand that I don't CARE how they FEEL, it's so fucking irrelevant to the issue at hand, which is our very survival! They have got to be the smartest and the fastest and the best. We are the mental marines, and we have to figure this ancient science out, ingest in, internalize, become one with it and make it our own, before this goddamn galaxy kills us all.
I am very tired. Tired of Pegasus throwing us an unending series of curve balls, and tired of stupid petty colleagues who shouldn't have been granted a high school diploma much less a doctorate.
I don’t think that I am asking for too much - I want fresh coffee at 2am, (and I will take the local caffeinated equivalent we found on PX5 744, but it's just not the same) instant obedience from every one of my staff, a bottomless supply of power bars - and tacit acknowledgment that when I say Project A takes priority over Project B, I'm not just dicking them all around because I am a petty, power mongering dictator. I acknowledge that I am sometimes AM a petty, power mongering dictator, but not when it comes to the safety of this expedition. Our corporate survival here is one of my primary objectives. It's on par with my desire to put everything I learn from the Ancient Database into practical application, write the Grand Unifying Theory to Explain All Things, and take home my well deserved Nobel. That's as high as any priority can get for me.
I am feeling disturbingly maudlin. I need to go read Kavanaugh the riot act over the stupid stunt he pulled yesterday. He was cutting corners on routine maintenance of the Naquadah generators! He's lucky we don't shoot people for stupidity! Maybe I'll hunt down Sheppard and insult his intelligence for a while. One of these days he has got to fess up to the fact he's actually smarter than several of the mathematicians on my staff. Or I could do both. God knows I need some down time, and if I stare at the datebase any longer tonight, I think my very brilliant brain will explode and dribble out my ears.
Addendum to previous entry:
Ripped Kavanaugh a ne3w one. Tol Shepard he had stupid hair. AGain. Cuz sriossly, it is. Was robbed blind by Zlinka - gave im a half pound of coffee for that toxic swill he calls hooch! Somehow ran into SHeppard agin and then we drank it,. My liver will probly explode now, but I don't care cuz once agins I'm drunk. And is all funny. And oh my god, why is Sheppards hair so srupid?