Once and Only 5/5
Author: Jade
Betas: bluejbird and ange
Rating: PG-13 (for language mostly)
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Original Characters
Summary: John never told Rodney about Emily and the ploar bears.
Notes: I cannot believe that this part of the story was so difficult to write! But Once and Only is now completed, finally. A very big thank you to my betas for not complaining about the massive time delay between the fourth and fifth part of this story - and for the wonderful job they did with what I had sent them too. To everyone else who has been waiting for the last instalment to the Once and Only story line, I thank you greatly for your patients. I hope you enjoy this part. And I've added another Note at the end of the story - if you are at all interested. Enjoy! Any mistakes remaining are mine and mine alone.
Once and Only - 5/5
Additional Author's Notes (to be read after the story, unless you want to be spoiled)
Previous entries for the
Finding Emily stories:
The Photograph Finding Emily Once and Only 1/5 Once and Only 2/5 Once and Only 3/5 Once and Only 4/5 All links lead back to my LJ. This entry has been cross posted all over the place. I'm really story if you're seeing this a handful of times on your list. I promise it'll be a while before I spam you again. Thanks for understanding!