Moments of JoyAuthor: Soledad
Stargate - AtlantisGenre: Drama/Romance
Pairings: Zelenka/Various
Rating: 14+, just to be on the safe side
Series/sequel: none, so far
Archiving: my website and Otherworlds.
Disclaimer: STARGATE ATLANTIS" and other related entities are owned by MGM Television and Double Secret Production in association with Gekko Films and The Sci-fi Channel. Only a few original characters belong to me. No infringement intended.
Timeframe: all along Seasons 1 and 2 of SG-Atlantis
Summary: The events in the Pegasus Galaxy, seen through the eyes of Dr. Radek Zelenka. It has gone a fair bit AU by now.
The title is linked to the chapter index page at
otherworlds_lib This story is not yet completed.