Title: Polaris, Tangled in His Sheets
Author: Vesica
Rating: R (because Teyla had a dirty mind)
Pairing: Rodney/Teyla
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowed them for a bit. I promise to put them back like I found them.
Summary: Not everyone understands, but Teyla isn’t much concerned about everyone. She knows what she sees in him.
Word Count: 4108
Author’s Notes: Dedicated to
purple_cube in honor of her birthday. Her fics have given me much pleasure and I thought it was time for a little payback. Plus, I’ve been meaning to write these two for AGES.
A special thank you to
mynuet for the quickie beta/armchair therapy reassurance that I can still string words together in interesting and meaningful ways, even when trying out a new pairing.
Polaris, Tangled in His Sheets )