(note - this is my first time posting over here, so Mods - If I’ve screwed anything up, let me know so I can make sure to fix it in the future! Don’t want to make your jobs any more difficult. Thanks!)
Title: The Future of Geldar
Author: Vesica
Rating: R
Fandom, Pairing & Prompt: Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Nola, God
Word Count: 778
Categories: Het, Het PWP, McKay, Season 3
Summary: She took his words to heart - all of them.
Author’s Notes: Written for
The Porn Battle (Best of Three).
Warnings: SPOILERS THROUGH 3x16 - “The Game”
Also, I am not quite sure how to put this, but I don’t want anyone traumatized. If non-con fic is the city and reluctance!fic is the ‘burbs, this fic is sort of a small hut in the rolling farmlands outside the ‘burbs. Hopefully that made sense.
The Future of Geldar )