After a bad day it seemed only a good idea to bring you all another meme.
hoperomantic gave me J
Post a comment, and I'll give you a letter. Then you have to list ten things you love beginning with that letter.
1. Journals, that would be my one and everyone elses.
2. Junior school because life was so much simpler there.
3. Jelly and by that I mean the stuff you make out of jelly cubes with hot water.
4. Me! I know that doesn't begin with J but my name does.
5. Jack and John, Stargate's hottest guys.
6. Jokes, because I love laughing at them.
7. Jules because she's the ultimate prankster!! *luffs Jules*
8. Jupiter, one of the CD's from Stadium Arcadium by the Chili's
9. Jewellery - especially my earing fettish.
10. SPARKY - ok, ok, ok, there's not a J there but there is one in John&Liz. I think fair's fair!!!!
Ask if you want a letter, I'd be more than happy to oblige.