Vid Title: The Replicators Strike Back
Song Title: StarWars OST and remix
Song Artist: John Williams
Pairing/Character: team and replicators
Category: Humour/Team
Length: 5:37
Size: 29.2 MB
Format: zipped wmv
on my websiteStream (English version):
here at VimeoStream (Hungarian version):
here at Vimeo
This is pure rollicking.
First I made this vid (which is not an ordinary one you'll see) for my friends in Hungarian to make them laugh. And because I'm sad due to cancelling my favorite sci-fi show, so I need to make myself laugh as well. Then I did the English version for English-speaking fans. It took me a while, but it was a real fun.
Have a fun, too!
Feedback is love, do not forget, please!