Admin Post: New Tags

May 11, 2006 21:45

I've added a tag for each vidder that has posted their vid to atlantis_vids

I mostly stuck to everyone's LJ names because those are more unique.

Basically, please go down the list of tags find your username and double check to make sure all your vids are listed. I'd really appreciate it. I went through every entry myself and I'm human...mistakes might have happened. If you find a vid in your tagged section that doesn't belong there please let me know. :)

If you'd like your vids to be easier for other people to find please use your tag when you post a new video.

I've also tagged each video entry with the tag- vids (there have been 399 vids posted to this community since it was created in June 2005) my fingers and eyes can believe it.

If anyone has any questions or concerns over their tagged name post a message here or email me at

I'm hoping this tagging will make it easier for people to locate vidders and their works.



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