Day 53, Evening; Corridors, mess; Attn: Peter, Chuck [f]

Aug 13, 2009 09:50

Conn glanced at his watch. It was early-- barely 1700-- but he was hungry and it was liable to take him a while to actually make it down to the mess with the rests he'd be taking on the otherwise short trip. He shut the computer where he'd been making notes on his scriptural exegesis regarding homosexuality. It was a difficult study. He found himself wanting to find a fellow believer to talk this out with. There were a few here and there. Maybe he'd see if he couldn't find Sergeant Caplan. The boy had a good head on his shoulders, a strong faith, and was a Marine to boot, though with DADT that had its pros and cons.

Conn stood and made his way to the door, stepping out into the hallway. He began making his way slowly along, nodding to the people who passed him. He stepped in front of the transporter and nearly bumped his nose when it didn't open. He stepped back and tried again.

Oh, wait. There had been an announcement, hadn't there? Transporters offline for repair or somesuch. Conn sighed and debated whether he could make it all the way to the mess via stairs or just go hungry.

day 53, character: chuck fields, character: peter grodin, character: michael caplan, character: connall gilchrist, time: evening, location: mess hall, location: corridors/hallways

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