Feb 02, 2009 16:44
Selen had been awakened to the sound of talking and had peeked out his door to see Belem and a group of others leaving, including Ridley. He recalled that there were plans to explore the shoreline today. He said a small prayer to the Ancestors that they would be safe, then returned to his bed, mind drifting pleasantly over the time he had spent with Radek the night before. Even his self-pleasuring after had been especially satisfying as he had imagined Radek in place of his hand and inhaerus.
He had wanted to help Radek in finding a new living place. He wondered when the other man would begin looking for one. Perhaps he should seek Radek out in the area where the Lanteans ate together and find out more.
He stood up and pulled on clothes and stepped out into the main area of their camp... or... whatever the Lanteans would call it. Dran looked up and smiled and he greeted her.
"Could you look after my children and Tormin if they should wake up?" he asked her.
"I will," she answered.
He thanked her and went into the hallways, choosing to walk to the mess hall rather than take the transporter. Lanteans and Athosians were just beginning to rise and start their day. Selen arrived in the mess hall to find a steady stream of Lanteans entering and getting in line. He joined them, nodding at the military man before him, his eyes scanning for the tell-tale blue shirt and messy hair of his friend Radek.
location: athosian area,
character: elizabeth weir,
character: rodney mckay,
character: selen arolas,
character: carson beckett,
character: mike rennie,
day 52,
character: perna,
location: mess hall,
character: halling taragellan,
time: morning