Day 51, afternoon, corridors, private quarters, Attn: John, Christoph *SMUT WARNING* [F]

Sep 20, 2008 21:17

John headed down the corridor, tucking his hands under his armpits to try and warm them up. Around him, people were chattering and laughing as they came inside from the snowball fight. It had been a better idea than even he'd thought, even if his side was smarting a bit around the stitches. Now he just needed to get on some dry clothes and find his stash of hot cocoa mix.

Christoph laughed as he threw one last snowball at one of the admin crew. His hands were chilly and his cheeks were red, his nose had started to run, it was wonderful! As he paused, he saw John walk away and back inside the city. Still grinning, Christoph followed, ran to catch up. "Hey, give up already?" he asked, grinning.

"Hey, the fight's over," John answered, grinning. "I'm cold and wet and probably ought to get dry before Carson confines my ass to the infirmary."

Christoph laughed. "Okay so everyone gave up. I could go for another round." But he reckoned John was right. Still, he didn't want happy fun time to end yet. "Hey, I have the Holy Grail in my quarters." He waggled his eyebrows, aiming for 'comical'.

"Oh! Yeah. We were gonna watch that, weren't we?" John considered a moment. "You thinking now?"

"No time like the present," Christoph replied, keeping step with the major. "Let's boycott reality for another couple of hours, what do you say?"

John was good with that. He'd gotten the crucial things done this morning so he wouldn't have to worry about them after the snowball fight. "Works for me. I'll go get on dry clothes and grab some hot cocoa and popcorn and meet you in your room?"

Christoph grinned. "Perfect. I'll get the movie ready." He patted John's arm and rushed off in the direction of his quarters.

John got to his quarters and shucked his clothes, which were all soaked completely through, then dug into his drawers, considering. This was sort of a date. Should he dress up? Or pretend it was nothing special? He had his choice of one worn-soft and thin in the knees pair of jeans, one so-new-they-were-stiff pair of jeans, or a pair of uniform pants. He pulled out the older jeans and dug his favourite black zip-neck shirt out, then pulled open his underwear drawer and blinked.

Yeah. He'd intended to do laundry today. He considered the damp pair of boxers he'd just pulled off and then turned his eye to the large pile of laundry in one corner, wondering if there were any that were clean enough. He shrugged and pulled on the jeans without underwear and then pulled the shirt over his head.


Well, his trainers were soaked. He had combat boots. Or moccasin-like slippers. He opted for slippers, putting them on without socks.

He grabbed a couple packets of hot cocoa mix and a thing of popcorn. And then stopped, feeling suddenly nervous. What was he doing? Reichstadt was obviously attracted to him. They'd been flirting unmercifully. Was he really going on a date with this guy?

He took a deep breath, retrieved his headset, and headed out before he could change his mind.

Christoph puttered around his quarters for a few moments, getting his laptop out, loading up the movie and queueing it to the very start, before he realised he was still wearing his soaked khakis. He stripped to his underwear, realised that at that point that was the most soaked layer of them all, ironically enough, and chucked that off as well. For a split second, he considered just greeting John like that. Then came to his senses and pulled on a fresh pair of boxers. Now if he were going out, on a date-like event, he would probably wear jeans and some sort of nice button shirt. But he's just lounging around the flat, isn't he? He decided, though, that just lounging in his boxers was definitely not good host-like behaviour and pulled on a pair of jeans. Loose fit, no shoes, life's good. Agonised for a few minutes over his collection of t-shirts and finally pulled on his Douglas Adams t-shirt, black with the logo 'Don't Panic' in bold letters on the front. Seemed like the most appropriate statement for the situation.

That done, he plopped on the couch, which looked like every other couch in Atlantis, put his feet up on the very edge of the bed, and waited.

John swung past the lounge area to microwave the popcorn and pour two cups of hot water. A couple of people wandered in with similar thoughts in mind. John swapped some of his popcorn for half a box of Whoppers which he tucked into his back pocket and hoped wouldn't melt and headed out, mugs of hot cocoa in one hand, bowl of popcorn in the other.

When he reached Reichstadt's room-- and he supposed he should really think of the guy as Christoph if he was hanging out watching Python with him-- he managed to wave an elbow over the chime mechanism and get it to ring.

Christoph stood, a little nervous suddenly, and walked to the door. He opened it and grinned at John. "Welcome to Castle Anthrax," he said with a little curtsey, trying hard not to laugh.

John grinned and then looked Christoph up and down, taking in the jeans, tee-shirt, and bare feet. He liked what he saw. "I don't think you qualify, unless you're taking the part of the grail-shaped beacon and, well, not even then." He stepped past Christoph and glanced around the room.

"And I'm not between the ages of sixteen and nineteen-and-a-half, I know," Christoph said, snickering. "Let me help you with that." He took the bowl of popcorn and put it on and end table by the couch. The laptop was set up on his desk, angled just so for best visibility from the couch. His quarters weren't big, but it was big enough for him. He'd once lived in a flat the size of a shoebox so this was sufficient.

John followed Christoph over to the couch, stomach suddenly fluttering with nerves, and set the two mugs of cocoa beside the popcorn, then pulled the Whoppers box from his back pocket, peering in. Leave it to good old American waxy chocolate to not melt. "I did a bit of a trade on the way over," he said, shaking the box. "Not very good as far as chocolate, but I kind of like the malted milk flavour and better than nothing, I suppose."

"Oh, cool," Christoph said, and grabbed a handful of popcorn to stuff his mouth with. "I don't actually care for Whoppers myself. I'm more of a dark chocolate guy." After munching on the popcorn, he took one of the mugs, held it close and sniffed the cocoa steam. "Now this is more like it." He took a sip and licked chocolatey goodness off his lips, blissed out. He sat down on the end closer to the desk. "I'm all queued up, ready to start when you are."

John grinned, still feeling a bit nervous, but sat down next to Christoph, slouching into the couch to try and find a comfortable position that didn't pull at his stitches. He kicked off his slippers, since his host was barefoot. "Onward then to Camelot!"

"On second thought, let's not go to Camelot, it is a silly place," Christoph replied, starting the movie. He didn't know how many times Sheppard had seen the movie, but he had seen it more than ten times easily. It would be hard to keep from reciting key phrases while the movie ran. He settled back on the couch, reached over John to grab the bowl of popcorn and began to munch.

John settled the bowl between them and reached into the bowl himself. It wasn't long before he was quoting bits along with the cast, giving Christoph a grin.

Christoph laughed, falling into a rhythm, responding to John's lines as another character, doing his best British accent. He grabbed some more of the popcorn, handful after handful, spilling a great deal of it in the process, on his lap, on John's, on the floor, the couch. He wasn't paying attention to any of that at all. As he got comfortable on the couch, it seemed he was leaning more of his weight toward John's shoulder. It just seemed to be the best way to get his long body mostly on the couch. He made a half-assed attempt to eat some of the spilled popcorn, reaching for the closest kernels and popping them in his mouth. "Oh oh oh! I love this part!" He sat up and started singing along with the knights of the round table.

John laughed and then joined in the singing, while he felt around for more spilled popcorn, following the trail out of his lap and onto the couch and then onto Christoph's leg.

Christoph absently tried to retrieve kernels from behind him, between the couch cushions as well. He began to laugh his ass off while John began singing way out of tune. At that point, his hand was somewhere between his hip and John's bum, so he turned his hand and gave said bum a pinch. That should stop the singing.

"Hey!" John yelped, hand freezing on Christoph's leg. "What was that for?"

Christoph grinned. "It worked." He turned to face John, smiling triumphantly. He then looked down at John's hand on his thigh. "And you have 20 minutes to stop that."

John raised an eyebrow, but left his hand where it was. "Stop what?"

Christoph sat up a fraction of an inch, looked at John. "What you're doing with your hand." As he moved, a small kernel that had been hiding in the folds of his t-shirt rolled down between his knees. "And that's my final warning. Twenty minutes and not a second less!"

"Mm. Okay." John slid his hand down and picked up the piece of popcorn that had just fallen and popped it in his mouth, eyes not leaving Christoph's face. What the hell was he doing? There was flirting and then there was... whatever this was.

There were times in life when Christoph's sense of logic drove him to do things that may seem to others illogical. Other people's logic might have said that this was neither the time nor place, that relationships in the workplace-- such as it was-- were never good things. Some may have said that a grieving man was not somebody to toy with, but in Christoph's mind the reality was simple. He may never get another chance, and if that was the only chance he would get, then it made no sense at all to pass it up. It may well be the first and only time. "You stopped." He said, though the movement as John grabbed the kernel had been almost unbearable. He pushed all mental blocks aside and reached up to hold John's face in place and kissed him.

John groaned as Christoph's mouth pressed against his, opening under the other man's lips, one hand returning to Christoph's leg as the other slid around his neck, fingers fanning into his hair. This was so a bad idea. He wasn't like this. He didn't do this. But he wanted this, needed it.

At first everything seemed to stop in Christoph's mind, like a tiny short circuit between shock and elation. Then he kissed back eagerly, going as far as John would let him. His hand slid down to John's chest, holding him against the back of the couch as if afraid he'd run away at any second. He was going to enjoy this, damnit! No matter how wrong it might end up being.

John kissed back, hard, a whimper of need escaping him to be swallowed by Christoph, letting himself be held, pinned. His hand slid up Christoph's leg, then back down, teasing, fingers finding the inner seam on the leg and following it.

"Ohgod," Christoph whispered against John's lips, then kissed him again, deep and slow and eager. He turned, knocking the bowl of popcorn clear off the couch, spreading the last few kernels all over the floor. On the laptop screen, the king was going on about huge tracts of land and trying to keep the prince from bursting into song. Christoph was no longer aware of any of it. He straddled John's thigh and ran his fingers through the mess of dark hair on John's head. He'd always wanted to do that.

"Yeah," John gasped, pressing forward against Christoph, unmindful of the slight sting of his stitches. He was already hard, shockingly desperate and turned on by the feel of the other man's fingers against his scalp.

Christoph could feel John's erection against his through at least two layers of clothing. He thrust his hips slightly, teasing. He held onto John's hair with one hand, the other sliding down under the man's shirt, feeling the flesh underneath. His fingers slid carefully around the bandage on John's side.

John thrust up, taking up Christoph's rhythm against him. "God!" he exclaimed as he felt Christoph's hand warm against his skin. "Too many clothes..."

"Fuckyeah," Christoph muttered, almost chuckling as he slid his hand down to the button of John's jeans. He undid the button, pulled the zip down, then grinned against John's lips. "Commando, too? How convenient, thank you." He silenced any retorts with another kiss, and a well-placed hand around John's cock.

Helplessly, John thrust up into Christoph's hand. He reached down, scrabbling at the button of Christoph's jeans. In his mind, he heard Rodney calling him a Kirk, but he didn't care. He needed this. He groaned as Christoph's tongue started thrusting into him, slowly, suggestively, and God, yeah. Like that. Just like that...

Christoph moaned against John's mouth, doing his best to stay still so John could get at his jeans. He needed them off, like yesterday. His hand on John's erection moved slowly but firmly, slowing even more to make the other man squirm.

John finally got Christoph's jeans open, but rather than immediately going for his cock, he slid his hands into the back of the jeans under the boxers, cupping the other man's ass as he used his arms to start levering them both down over Christoph's slim hips. He continued thrusting into Christoph's fist as he pulled him forward, raising one leg to press against the other man's erection while Christoph continued to ravage his mouth. He wondered what the cock he felt pressing against his leg would taste like and groaned at the thought.

Christoph gasped, wanting to simultaneously push forward against John's hip and back into those hands. He wriggled a bit, then groaned and pulled away a bit. "Clothes. Off." He tugged at John's shirt, pulling it up over his head.

"Yeah." John wiggled out of his own jeans as soon as Christoph had his shirt off, then reached for Christoph's jeans. "Get up," he ordered, in too much of a hurry to try and negotiate getting the other man's jeans off while he stayed straddling him.

"Yessir," Christoph replied, standing up. He pulled off his t-shirt, tossed it on the couch, then wiggled out of his jeans and kicked them off.

John pounced as soon as Christoph had his jeans off, sliding a hand around his waist and pulling him close. John leaned forward and licked a slow stripe up Christoph's dick and then swirled his tongue around the head and lapped at the slit, tasting him. "Tastes good," he said huskily.

"Awf'ck," Christoph gasped, clutching John's shoulders. He hadn't been expecting that, but it was not a bad thing at all. "I try," he said, feeling a little giddy. "You feel good." He ran a hand through John's hair, encouraging him to stay down there.

John gave him what he thought of as his evil, mischievous grin, gave another long, slow lick even as he pushed up a bit into Christoph's hands, liking the feel of the other man's fingers in his hair, and then slipped the head just inside the circle of his lips.

"Scheisse," Christoph hissed, left hand kneading John's shoulder as the other stayed in his hair. "Yes, dass gut." He wanted so badly to fuck John's mouth deeper, he moved his hand to the back of John's head, urging him on.

John raised his eyes to watch Christoph's face as he pushed forward, filling his mouth with the other man's cock, then took a slow, steadying breath through his nose, forced his throat to relax, and continued down Christoph's dick, feeling it slip past his gag point and into his throat. He couldn't help one moment of panicked swallowing before his body adjusted. He didn't consider himself in any way good at deep-throating, but he could, and that was an accomplishment in itself.

And could he ever. Christoph groaned loudly, gripping John's shoulder till his knuckles turned white. "Fuck," he gasped, thrusting into John's throat slightly as the other man swallowed around him. All the blood that rushed away from his brain left him lightheaded, glad to be essentially pinned between John and the bed and John's hands on his hips.

Christoph was staring down at John, at John taking his cock, as he slowly rocked forward, pushing further into John's throat. God, John could almost come just from the look in the other man's eyes, the feeling of being filled, fucked, used. He pulled back, catching a quick breath as Christoph's dick slipped from his throat, swirling his tongue around the head, before plunging forward again, arm around Christoph's waist tightening, encouraging him to move. John couldn't help the moan that ripped through him as he felt his throat being filled again.

Christoph let out a streak of German expletives as he thrust into John's mouth, lost in the sensation of being so deep in the man's throat. He loved being taken like this, lips and tongue and throat being almost better than anything else. "Fuck, ja," he moaned, head lolled forward, watching John's mouth around him. God, it was so hot.

Christoph looked lost, awestruck, mesmerised, as they picked up a rhythm, John pulling back, arm relaxing to let Christoph pull back as well, then grabbing a breath, and pushing forward again just as Christoph did, encouraged by the pressure of John's hand on his ass. John watched Christoph's face for a couple more thrusts before his eyes automatically slid closed and he gave himself over to the sensations, the taste of Christoph on his tongue, the feeling of being filled and then released to breathe. He stopped pulling Christoph in, stopped pushing forward, and just gave himself over to being fucked, slow and deep.

The sight of John's blissed out face encouraged Christoph to keep going, thrusting deep, keeping up the rhythm but thrusting a bit more erratically the closer he got to climax. "Oh fuck, ja, John, so hot," he moaned, becoming incoherent as he couldn't hold out any longer and shuddered, pulling back slightly, groaning deeply as he came into John's mouth.

The taste of come, bitter and salty, exploded on John's tongue and he groaned as his mouth was filled with it, Christoph still thrusting into him in stuttering rhythm as John swallowed and swallowed. Desperately, John wrapped fingers around the base of his cock to keep from coming. He wanted Christoph's mouth or ass or even hand around him when he came.

Christoph's mind was still spinning as he held himself up by John's shoulders. "Mmm," he sighed, and took a step back as he found his legs. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled John toward him. "You look like it's your turn," he said, smiling up at John.

"Definitely," John answered, then leaned down to kiss the other man.

Christoph kissed back, groaning against John's mouth. "Let's not waste it, then," he said, pulling John down onto the bed. He paused for a moment to admire the sight before him, ran a hand over John's chest. He didn't say anything else, just kissed John again, and slid his hand down John's stomach, down to his cock and gave it a slow stroke, base to head.

"Yeah, like that," John moaned, tongue flicking out, tasting a thread of come that had escaped to his lip, and then pressed his mouth back to Christoph's.

Christoph licked all the come from John's lips, his hand leaving John's cock alone and moving down between his legs, pausing to pay his balls some attention before moving even further, fingers stroking his hole, putting only light pressure, teasing.

John gasped, his body responding to the touch, even as his pulse skyrocketed in fear. It didn't matter, John assured himself. Christoph had already come, so there was no reason to ruin the mood by interrupting to tell the other man he didn't bottom. It didn't feel half bad, actually. A little weird. But not like the last time-- the one time-- John had bottomed.

Christoph was young enough to be ready for another round soon enough, and he so wanted to see John come but he didn't want to rush it. He watched John's face, seeing the surprise but no resistance. He continued to tease and prod, his other hand caressing John's hip and thigh. Christoph kissed John again, his own pulse growing faster with need and anticipation. "I wanna fuck you so bad," he whispered against John's lips.

"I don't..." John started to say, then shuddered and groaned as Christoph's finger pressed against him, body bucking into the touch.

"You don't?" Christoph asked. "Sounds very much like you do." He repeated the action that had caused John to groan and buck against him.

John tried to concentrate on speaking as his body shuddered in pleasure at every tease of that finger against him, feeling himself opening, loosening, letting Christoph push into him in delicious, shallow thrusts. "I... It's been... God! Ung... Twenty..." He swallowed hard, trying to think. "Twenty-one years."

Let me, Steve had begged. Please, John, let me. And John had, biting his lip to keep from crying out as Steve had pushed inside him, huge and burning and painful. The men and women in Steve's porn collection had always enjoyed being fucked in the ass. John had fantasised about doing this. Wanted it. Jerked off at night thinking about it, images of cocks sliding into holes playing behind his eyes. This was supposed to be special, but all he could do was whimper. Oh, God! Steve had exclaimed, his eyes shining with awe as he looked down at John. I know it hurts, but it'll get better. Please, John, let me... And he'd pulled back and thrust in, agonising, and John had endured it for him. Because he'd been in love with his best friend's dad for a long time now and Steve had wanted this, had waited till John was legal. He endured, biting his lip, tasting blood, until Steve groaned and John could feel the throbbing of Steve's cock inside him.

It'll be better next time, Steve had promised when he finally gave up pulling on John's soft cock, trying to get him hard, trying to bring him off.

But there hadn't been a next time.

John groaned as Christoph's fingers continued to tease him. "It hurts too much," he admitted. "'T's why I'm a top."

Christoph kissed John again, softly, sympathising with whatever event had tainted the other man's memory. "Obviously were doing it wrong." He kissed John again. "I won't do anything you don't enjoy." He took his hand away from John's ass. "Lie on your stomach for me? I'm not just going for it, trust me." He teased the hole again, slowly.

John studied Christoph's face, seeing desire, yes, but also honesty, affection, gentleness. He licked his lips nervously, then nodded, too afraid his voice would tremble if he spoke, and then turned over. He'd broken out in a full-body sweat, feeling both hot and cold. He wasn't quite flat, favouring the one side a bit to keep from putting pressure on his injured side. He turned his head to try and see what Christoph was preparing to do.

Christoph kneaded John's butt, knowing that what he really wanted to do John was not ready for. But he'd get him ready, he was bound and determined to make it as good for the other man as for himself. He paused to smile at John, then leaned down between his legs and thrust his tongue into the waiting hole.

"Nnngggah." John shuddered as he felt Christoph's tongue push into him, hot and wet and God! Dirty. He spread his legs wider without really thinking, just wanting, wanting. If only getting fucked with a cock felt this good, he'd never top again. Well, okay, maybe he would because denying a partner that kind of pleasure... He whimpered as Christoph's tongue slowly fucked into him, working him open.

Christoph continued to thrust his tongue into John's ass, enjoying the sounds the other man was making. But he didn't want to get him off just yet. He slid up, tracing his tongue up the small of John's back, then reaching into his night stand for a small tube. He slicked his fingers with lube and inserted one into John, slowly, making sure there was no pain.

John couldn't help the whimper that escaped him as Christoph pressed into him with a finger. He'd relaxed so much under the assault of Christoph's tongue that he took the finger easily, shockingly easily. He'd done this to other men hundreds of times, but experiencing it from the other side left him in freefall. "'T's okay," he breathed, as much for his own benefit as for Christoph's.

"Good," Christoph whispered, thrusting in and out with the finger, adding another finger as he felt how John was reacting. He was eager to get that ass around his cock, but he wasn't going to rush it. "You're liking that now." He shivered, and grabbed the base of his cock to keep from coming. He wanted to come inside John. "It gets even better."

John felt himself stretching to accommodate a second finger, feeling strange and vulnerable under the other man's ministrations. He couldn't help but push up a bit as Christoph's fingers pushed in, body hot with pleasure and an almost-forgotten need-- memories of his teen self watching porn and wanting to feel what those men felt having another man inside. "Yeah," he moaned. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Christoph thrust in deeper with his fingers, prodding the opening wider. "It's not all bad, is it?" He smiled and licked up John's shoulder blade. "You want me, don't you?"

John's breath hitched as Christoph brushed over a sensitive spot inside, suddenly seeing white. "Fuck!" he gasped, already pushing back, trying to get the other man's fingers against the spot again. "There. Right there. Oh, God!"

"It'll be so much better than that when it's my cock touching you there," Christoph said. He pulled his fingers out and got the lube again warming it up in his hands and slicking himself up, stroking his dick back to full hardness. He thrust slowly between John's cheeks, teasing at his hole. "God, I can't wait to feel you around me."

John whimpered as he felt Christoph's cock between his asscheeks, felt himself opening to the tip pressing gently against him before it was pulled back and then returned, pressure slightly harder this time. "Yeah," he said, panting, mind catching up. "I want you," he whispered.

Christoph used plenty of lube, and took it slow and easy, pressing into the hole just a bit, gasping at the tight ring of muscle giving way around him. "Uh yessss," he hissed, thrusting in another inch. He stroked John's side, then grabbed hold of his hips to pull him even closer.

God, he was full. Impaled on another man's cock. Naked cock, he realised, and why was that so incredibly hot? He let Christoph pull him back, sink into him slowly. Oh, God, oh God, ohgod! It was going to hurt. It was going to hurt any second now...

Christoph buried himself all the way into John and paused, catching his breath as he panted against John's spine. "Fuck," he groaned. "Fuck, you're hot." He drew back agonisingly slow, fingers gripping at John's hips hard enough to leave marks. He didn't want to hurt John but he wanted to fuck him hard and deep. He let himself build up a rhythm, gradually increasing speed.

It didn't hurt. Christoph was fucking him, filling him, so deep. John's mind-- what was left of it-- was in a whirlwind of shock that he was doing this, that it was okay, God, more than okay. Christoph's cock was teasing that spot inside him. His back was hot where Christoph was bent over him, breathing against him, and suddenly John wanted to kiss, wanted to see Christoph's face while the other man took him, when the other man spilled into him. "Can... Can we..." He groaned as Christoph adjusted his angle slightly, tagging John's prostate full-on with each thrust, sending pleasure white and burning shooting through him. He reached back and gripped Christoph's hip, trying to stop him, hold him still long enough to gather his thoughts. "I want to turn over so I can see you," he said quickly, before he forgot the reason he wanted to stop.

Christoph groaned, pausing to catch his breath, wrapping a hand around the base of his cock to keep from coming. But he was so close. He pulled out, let John turn over. "Is good," he said, his voice trembling. He pulled John's legs up over his shoulders and entered him again, meeting John's eyes as he did so.

"Yeah. 'S very good," John answered, tilting his hips up to find that pleasure, gasping as he felt it. He reached up and pulled Christoph down into a kiss, his legs pushed back against his chest as he slid his tongue into Christoph's mouth, picking up the rhythm of their bodies. He was so close, could feel his cock brushing Christoph's abdomen, but it wasn't enough. "Need your hand on my cock," he said against Christoph's lips before pressing back into the other man's mouth with his tongue.

Christoph obliged, one hand stroking John's cock in time with his thrusts. He kissed John again, held on to him and fucked him deep and hard, keeping up the angle to hit John's prostate again. It didn't take long at that pace for him to shudder and come again, a deep groan breaking the kiss. "Fuck," he swore, clinging to John and continuing to stroke his hand up and down John's shaft.

"Oh, God, yeah," John moaned as he felt Christoph throbbing deep inside him, filling him. He felt the heat drawing his balls up as Christoph continued to pulse into him. He closed his eyes, threw his head back, and shuddered as he came, coating Christoph's hand and both their bellies, ass milking the last of Christoph's semen from him, shocked at the intensity of his orgasm. He collapsed back, boneless, just trying to catch his breath.

Christoph panted against John's shoulder, lightheaded and breathless. "God," he breathed. He stayed where he was for a moment, catching his breath, then slowly withdrew his soft cock and let John's legs down beside him. "Thank you," he whispered.

"You too," John murmured, too wrecked to speak more, just letting himself drift off, the feel of slickness around and in his asshole strange and still somehow hot.

... one-hundred-and-twenty blondes and brunettes all between the ages of sixteen and nineteen-and-a-half, the movie played on and John was seized by laughter at the thought that he'd just let another man fuck him to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. "We forgot the spanking before the oral sex," he said, grinning.

Christoph chuckled, rolling onto his back beside John, at least as much as he could without falling off the narrow bed. He picked up his t-shirt from the floor and wiped his hand, John's stomach. He was going to do laundry soon anyway. "Next time."

"Mmm. I like that thought. The next time bit, not the spanking," John clarified. "Maybe it could even be later tonight... if you're up for it..."

Christoph smirked at John. "The question is 'when', not 'if'," he said.

"Maybe after dinner," John suggested, "because I don't know about you, but the popcorn's not going to hold me over for long."

Christoph nodded sagely and sighed. "Why did we have to leave the pizza delivery boys back on Earth?"

"It shouldn't be that hard to make," John said. "Dough, tomato sauce, cheese, some other stuff." He sighed. "I miss tacos, too. Seems like we've been doing some variant of soup or stew and sandwiches forever."

"Make it?" Christoph asked as if John had grown a second head. "I don't want to get up to fetch it, much less make it."

"Me neither," John answered. "I was just saying, it shouldn't be that hard to talk Dixon into making it sometime. With the proper application of facial expressions." He grinned.

"It all hangs on the facial expressions," Christoph agreed. "But for all we know, the tomatoes around these parts may be purple. We'd have purple pizza on our hands."

"Considering the blue strawberries, I wouldn't be surprised," John said. "Though I think Parrish brought seeds for every variety imaginable and some you couldn't. Not that I've seen the greenhouses, mind you, because I've heard rumours of certain... recreational herbs being grown there and I'd hate to have to investigate."

"I might have to investigate. I haven't had a cigarette in weeks." Christoph stuck his tongue out and chewed on it. "Not like I should be over it by now or anything."

"Mm. Well, I won't ask and you won't tell me," John said. "Though it isn't the tobacco I'm worried about. You wouldn't think an expert in paleobotany from... one of those African countries that starts with a Z would be such a hippie."

"That's actually one thing that I would like to talk to Dr. Weir about, well, sort of," Christoph said. "If everyone starts smoking this 'other stuff', do we put the Phillippinos to death and give the Swiss a paltry fine? Whose laws are we going by?"

"Search me," John answered, shrugging. "Doctor Weir's law, I suppose."

"That's why I want to talk to her. Before she makes up her mind," Christoph smirked.

"Do I want to know?"

"Nothing for you to worry about," Christoph replied. "I just want to make sure things aren't unreasonably skewed toward the American way of doing things. Balance is important." He yawned. "Fuck."

"Hm." John rolled over and kissed Christoph, settling his body against the other man's. "Going and getting dinner is almost too much like work." He sighed as he buried his face against Christoph's shoulder. "And I still need to do laundry."

Christoph draped an arm over John's shoulders. "Laundry's too much like work too. More so than dinner. It can wait a few more minutes."

"Yeah? What did you have in mind to do in the meanwhile?" John asked, wriggling closer.

Christoph grinned. "Oh, I can think of a lot of things."

"Oh, well, let's see how many we can try out..." John said suggestively, kissing Christoph again. He liked the idea of fucking again later tonight, even if his body wasn't up to it at the moment. Right now he was happy to lie close to the other man, skin to skin, legs tangled, arms around each other, sated and pleasure-warmed. He'd had some shrink once talk to him about being 'touch-starved' and he supposed he was in some ways, but John preferred to think of this as manly cuddling. John slid a hand up Christoph's side from thigh to underarm, just barely firm enough to not tickle, taking in the texture of skin and hair, muscle and bone underneath, the other man's warmth, the way his breath hitched slightly as John explored him.

time: afternoon, character: john sheppard, character: christoph reichstadt, location: personal quarters, day 51

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