Fanfic: Stake and Circumstance - John/Elizabeth [NC-17]

Jan 27, 2009 17:59

Title: Stake and Circumstance
Author: Caitlin Morgan (muses_mistress)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Word Count: 9,151
Status: Complete
Disclaimer: I wish they were mine to play with, I'd have one hell of a good time messing with them!
Warnings: None (that I'm aware of)
Feedback: Pretty please!
Summary: Food can have strange effects, but never in his wildest dreams did John believe they could do this.

Author's Notes: This is the first time I've posted a story anywhere! I've written a fair few for friends, but I'll post a few now and again - so please be kind *puppy dog eyes*

Stake and Circumstance - Part 1
Stake and Circumstance - Part 2

Cross posted to john_elizabeth
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