Title: Don't Ask, Don't Type (3/?)
icantfollowRating: PG
Spoilers: minor, minor for Echoes.
Summary: Elizabeth definitely regrets letting John and Rodney talk her into setting up an Atlantis chat network.
A/N: This installment is like the Hole in the World episode of Angel. It's a little bit angsty, and a little bit random. Probably not as amusing as the previous two installments, but hopefully still enjoyable.
PART I PART II Instant Message from: caveman
>caveman: whats a n astaronat?
>warriorprincess: According to Colonel Sheppard, it is one who explores the stars.
>caveman: so like us? were astraonats?
>warriorprincess: I believe some sort of special uniform is involved.
>caveman: i look good ina unifeorm. and i could beet an astraonat.
>warriorprincess: I cannot believe you have actually worn one.
>warriorprincess: A uniform, that is.
>caveman: i was a specialist before i aws a runnrer.
>warriorprincess: Well, there is much about your life before I do not know.
>caveman: cooud we spar or osmething? this is ahrd and wierd.
>warriorprincess: I agree - I do not understand the fascination with it. I'll meet you for a meditation lesson in fifteen minutes. Do not make me come looking for you like last time.
warriorprincess has signed off.
caveman has signed off.
Instant Message from: canad1anclarkk3nt
>canad1anclarkk3nt: It's Kavanagh.
>queen3lizabeth: What is?
>canad1anclarkk3nt: The tattletale. It's so obvious. You know he's been stalking me online, right?
>queen3lizabeth: Rodney, why would Kavanagh be trying to get John expelled from Atlantis?
>canad1anclarkk3nt: To hurt me, of course!
>queen3lizabeth: And you don't think that's a *little* self-centered of you?
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Well, come on. Who would be out to get Sheppard? Everyone loves him. People are not so fond of me. Some might even say 'openly hostile'.
>queen3lizabeth: That's very...brave of you to say, Rodney.
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Please, Elizabeth, I'm a genius. I know when people don't like me. I spent my whole life not being liked.
>queen3lizabeth: He really means a lot to you, doesn't he?
>canad1anclarkk3nt: That's a pretty stupid question. It took me more than 30 years to find my best friend - I'm not giving him up that easily.
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Are you going to speak to Kavanagh? If he tells Colonel Klink he made the whole thing up, then Sheppard won't be discharged and he doesn't have to lie.
>queen3lizabeth: I take it you weren't able to convince him to deny the accusation.
>canad1anclarkk3nt: He doesn't want to lie. I'm proud of him for that. I can't help loving him for it.
>queen3lizabeth: Well, I'll speak to Kavanagh about it, but I'm leaning towards the culprit being one of the men under John's command.
>canad1anclarkk3nt: But they love him!
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Unless...do you think Major Lorne could be involved? We had a, um, misunderstanding a month ago. Do you think he'd take it out on Sheppard?
>queen3lizabeth: Why are you so convinced that you're the real target here?
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Because the best way to get to me would be to take him away.
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Besides, everyone loves Sheppard. Well, except the Wraith, or Kolya.
>canad1anclarkk3nt: You don't suppose...
>queen3lizabeth: No, Rodney. I don't.
>canad1anclarkk3nt: ...
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Elizabeth?
>queen3lizabeth: Yes?
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Are you okay with all of this?
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Or are you just fighting the system for the sake of fighting?
>queen3lizabeth: ...
>queen3lizabeth: It's a little strange, only because I never noticed the signs. But you're *my* CSO, Rodney, and John is *my* military commander, and no one is ever going to replace you, no matter what. We're a team here. This is Atlantis, not Earth, and we make our own choices.
>canad1anclarkk3nt: Thank you, Elizabeth.
canad1anclarkk3nt has signed off.
>queen3lizabeth: For better or worse.