Title: What Lies Beyond Hope
Author: Taylor Dancinghands -taylor@willendorphians.com
Characters: McKay/Zelenka/Atalntis
Category: slash, established relationship, h/c, AU, sex with an AI
Rating: 'NC-17' for explicit homoerotic depictions
Archive: Generally yes, but please let me know where
Summary: "We have lost Colonel Sheppard and Dr. Zelenka's jumper," Teyla said at last. "They are gone, Carson. I am sorry."
Spoilers/Season: No specific references, though The background may be season 2-ish/ Mostly you will need to be up to speed with the rest of the Lonely City staories for much of this to make sense.
Author's notes: Now I'm just being evil.
Betas: Thanx to
ankhmutes for her usual excellent advice and encouragement!
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, never will, not claiming to. Just wanna play with 'em a little. Can't I, can't I, huh?
Beyond Hope 1