Aug 10, 2011 01:27

I feel like posting here would be so much easier if there was a magical Tumblr/LiveJournal lovechild.

I saw Sex-Men: First Class again tonight at the Budget and it was just as good as the first time. I'm overly excited for the DVD to come out c: Chris and I kept whisper-shouting rude and sexual things at the screen which probably annoyed the other people in the theatre, but I couldn't help myself. When Erik said "Peace was never an option," Chris and I said "HETEROSEXUALITY WAS NEVER AN OPTION, MICHAEL" quite loudly and several people gave me dirty looks. I was incredibly amused.

Now I'm sitting at home, wishing my laptop screen wasn't broken so I could see more than half of what I'm doing. I'm also attempting to write kink-indulgent fic that would be acceptable enough to post to mcfassy but I'm not sure it's going well...*cue frustrated noises*

Maybe I need some proper music inspiration. Off to Pandora!
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