fuck shampoo, hello apple cider vinegar and salt. thank god for helene and her natural remedies that work like charms and are cheap as hell. my hair is soft and shiny and vibrant and luscious like a 70's porn star, except i'm not blonde and whatever i do i will never have volumous hair. it's august first and i am full of realizations including the aforementioned hair beautifying wonder. i finished miss wyoming this afternoon and think that tonight i will start the immense journey by loren eiseley, to coincide the immense journey that is my life, or that i would like it to be. i think i am going to get a job. retail, oh you are my destiny.
people who i would like to thank this week:
douglas coupland, for feeding my lust for literature
brittany, for setting me in the right direction
michael, for our inebriated conversations, and giving a shit
helene, for introducing me to naturalocity and b.b.ques
devendra banhart, for your music and ideal male body
i have never been this sexually attracted to anyone before.