A little Leitara fluff for Luckeh....

Dec 22, 2009 01:57


Katara walked down the corridors of the Fire Nation place thoroughly annoyed at how everyone else seemed so used to the overwhelming heat. She had lived in the Fire Nation for many years, and had still not become accustomed to its climate.  With Baby Jiang taking his afternoon nap and Zuko off doing "Firelord Stuff" as she called it, she decided to check up on Lei and see what she was doing. Since the recent birth of the new baby, things had been hard on 4 year old Lei, so any chance that Katara had to spend some quality time with Lei was never missed. As she entered Lei's room she was shocked to find Lei sitting at her desk scribbling something on a piece of paper.

"What are you writing?" Katara asked scooting next to Lei.

"A letter to Takai Yin." She replied finishing the letter.

"Who is Takai Yin?" Katara asked looking at Lei with a confused expreesion on her face. Lei looked at Katara and rolled her eyes as if the answer was the most obvious thing in the world.

"MOM! Takai Yin is the man that lives in the middle of the sun. He grants you your wishes if you write a letter to him and are very very VERY good." Lei said smiling.

"I see." Katara replied. "Who told you this Lei?"


"Oh. Touda" Katara  mumbled, as if this sudden answer made everything crystal clear. "So are you writing down your wish now?" Katara asked.

"No." Lei said shaking her head. "I've done that already, I writing a thank you letter....Well kinda. But I'm finished now. Can we go in the garden?"

"Sure we can." Katara replied. "You go on ahead and I'll meet you there" and with that, Lei jumped of her seat and ran towards the door and to the garden. Curious about what Lei could have possibly wished for Katara lifted up the overturned letter and began to read.

Dear Takai Yin

I really like my baby brother but I wished for puppy.


Katara shook her head and smiled. "She is a funny little girl" she thought to herself.

Kinda got a Christmas-y theme going on ...I thought I keep with the Chirstmas spirit!
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