1. Please answer all questions
2. Once you've been assigned to a team, you will be invited to join this community and your team's community. Please don't ask to join before that. You can accept your invitation
here. Invitations not accepted after one week are canceled and you will have to apply again.
3. Please don't apply if you don't have time to participate in at least one activity every month.
4. We will try to put you in your first choice of team, but remember, it's only a team name, it won't reflect the kinds of activities you do (for the most part), and We have to try and keep teams even.
7. Read the
rules before you apply.
To apply for a team, please complete the following application:
If you would like to be a team leader, please mention so in your application.We need team leaders for Water Tribe & Air Nomads.
Where Did You Hear About This Community:
First Team Choice:
Second Team Choice:
Third Team Choice:
Fourth Team Choice: