The Specs Post!

Nov 04, 2007 15:18

This will be an Avatar: The Last Airbender fan anthology, available for viewing and download on the web only.

- Size: 8.5 x 11. Front and back covers will be colour & full bleed; interior pages will be black & white, with a .25" margin on all sides. No set page number yet.

The complete doujinshi will be available for free as a downloadable PDF document and/or as multipage HTML document. THIS DOUJINSHI IS A FAN WORK AND IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TO BE SOLD. Contributors are NOT PAID. NO PROFIT may be made from this doujinshi or its contents IN ANY MANNER. This is a work made for personal enjoyment and love of the show; nothing more. This doujinshi is not intended to tie in to the show or substitute for official media in any way.

Contributors are welcome (and encouraged) to host the complete doujinshi file on their web sites.

- This will be an English language doujinshi. If English is not your first language and you need help translating or editing comic dialogue or fanfiction, please let me know.

- Submitted content does not have to be new - it can be something you made two or three years ago, or something finished just before the deadline.

- Please keep content around a PG or PG-13 rating, as this doujinshi will be read by children.
Sorry, this means no erotica. Partly because of the kiddos, and partly because I don't want to have to proofread and lay out a story about sexy 12 year olds (Ugghh.)
Art: no nudity or extreme violence; fic: no sex or graphic violence. Romance is fine. Swearing is fine as long as it doesn't hit Tarantino levels.

- Any pairing or "ship" is OK. Solo characters are OK. Fifty characters are OK. Waterbending Kool-Aid, air bison derbies, Zhao baking pie, comedy, drama, romance, action, AU, crossover, parody, angst, it's all good. There is no set genre or theme, so go wild!

Please e-mail submissions to

I can accept images submitted in the following file formats: JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PSD (Photoshop), EPS, AI (Illustrator), PDF, and PNG.
All images will be converted to TIFFs when put in the PDF doujinshi, and GIFs or JPEGS in the HTML version.Please submit illustrations in medium resolution (150 to 300 dpi). 100 dpi is acceptable, but images below 100 may not be included.
Scans can be sent in RGB, CMYK, or grayscale, but the final work will be in grayscale. High contrast, clear, crisp lines, solid blacks and whites, screentones = yes good yummy.

- Full page Illustration: 8.5x11 print size (pages will have a .25" margin on all sides). Submit as many full page illos as you like, but a maximum of 3 per artist will be included.

- Comics: Please submit scans at 150 to 300 dpi. Manga submissions can be strips, short gags, or a full comic page layout. Comic strips can be horizontal (American newspaper style) or vertical (Japanese 4koma style). Digital lettering is preferred over hand lettering for readability.

- Spot illustration is also welcome. Spot illustrations can be any size, and are used as accents or to break up large blocks of text. Here's an example from last year's Samurai Champloo doujinshi project.
As with full-page art and comics, any kind of spot illustration is welcome (funny, serious, realistic, chibi, etc) as long as it reproduces clearly.

- Fan art copied, traced, or directly referenced from official promo or production art will not be accepted. Submissions copied from other artists' fan art will not be accepted. Artists who submit stolen work will not have ANY of their submissions - copied or original - printed in the doujinshi.

- Minimum: 350 words. Maximum: 4000 words per piece, 7500 words (give or take a dozen) per author.
If you wish to submit a series of 100-word drabbles, please send at least three. They will be printed on the same page.

- You may submit fan fiction in .doc, .html, .txt, or .rtf format, but Microsoft Word is preferred, as it keeps formatting mostly intact. All fanfics will be laid out in Adobe InDesign for consistency. Please make a note if there are any special formatting issues or preferences. (e.g. a portion needs to be centered, printed in small caps, rendered in hanzi, etc.)

- Poetry is fine too.

- Please please pllleeeaaassee spell check and grammar check!

- The title hasn't been decided yet. If you have an idea for a title, send it in!

All contributors must include the following with their submissions:
- Pen name (let me know if you want to use your real name, both, or pen name only)
- Website URL if you have one - DeviantArt and ffnet accounts work too
- e-mail address

Deadline: 11:59 PM 04/15/2008
(deadline may change; I'm shooting for a month or two after the conclusion of Season 3.)

Good luck and thank you!

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