!MOD: On Voting

May 13, 2007 18:53

There appears to be some confusion concerning voting, and it's my mistake, seeing how I didn't make it very clear ^^;

First off, you are voting based on both the icons aesthetic value AND technical execution. That is, you're not just voting because you like bright, shiny icons, but also because the brightness of the icon helps bring out the subject well, and because the composition and crop of the icon are good.

■ The crop is the section of the original picture that the iconmaker decided to focus on. Err, that's probably not the best definition. ^^; Different crops have different effects because of the way the lines of the original subject fill up the space of the icon.
■ The composition is how all of the elements of the icon are arranged. Text, decorations, etc.
■ Crop =/= composition.

Example of a Good vs. Bad vote:
BAD: I don't like the greenish tint of the icon.
BETTER: The greenish tint of the icon makes the icon look bad because it obscures some of the subject and dulls down the colors that were meant to be bright.

■ Try not to use words like "I don't like" or "I would've liked this if" or something along those lines. Those are really iffy and tend to indicate personal preference. You are not voting based on personal preference but rather on, as stated previously, the aesthetic quality of the icon AND the technical execution of the icon.
■ I've been more lenient on the positive votes, but make sure that you follow the same guidelines. See the paragraph above the first "remember" section. :)

I'm tired and should be working on other homework, so that's all for now. Leave comments to this entry if you're confused or if you have more questions. :) I'll add to and change this entry as I see fit.

- hl


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