Book 1, Chapter 7: Results

Jun 13, 2007 17:36

28 points

Icon #02
7 favorites

[+] The use of text and the pattern mesh really well here.

[+] The symmetry of the design itself is really well done and the use of texture without making it look too busy is very good too.

[+] I really like the flow of this icon

[+] I like the idea of this, Mai and Ty Lee ARE such polar opposites. The coloring is amazing, and the use of the small pictures of them in the middle adds an awesome touch.

[+] I think this icon is cute~ The background image blends in with the characters, and the opposites you chose are both interesting and kinda funny. :3

[G] The foreground images are very washed out and clash harshly with the background, which doesn't seem to work well.

Icon #03
12 favorites

[+] While the notebook part bugs me (since, imho, it doesn't really fit the icon) I love the colouring/background

[+] The continuous red coloring looks really nice and the notebook look is a nice touch!

[+] I like the appearance; it makes me believe it's a sketch in a notebook better than 4. 4 also seems like it's left unfinished, as if the creator just cropped an image and that was it.

[+] I love the sketch book theme of this, it goes great with the picture. The coloring is very nice and the background isn't insanely busy.

[+] Though this texture has really been abused in the past week or so, I feel that the iconist pulled off the coloring of this icon very well.

[+] Much more interesting than the Zuko one, the other seems way too simple in a not-so-good way for me.

[+] Hard choice, but I think I like the coloring better in this one. I like how the open mouth was changed into a grin, and I like how the spiral is added, to make it seem like a doodle on paper.

[+] I like the whole notebook thing - it works well with such a rough sketch. And the colouring is very well done.

Icon #05
9 favorites

[+] I really like the layout of this icon, with alternating tanish/pinkish parts and blue; though the tiny text bugs me a little- I think it would've looked better without it, personally

[+] The composition is amazing. I love the text.

[+] Again, the use of symmetry for the design is excellent, as is the use of color. The text on 6 is hard to read and it also feels unfinished.

[+] The framing of this icon is nicely done. The stark gray/blue in comparison to the pale peach and white makes the icon really pop out and grab your attention (in a good way)

[+] It's a lot more eye catching than the other one. :O Number 6 is just to... I don't know,

[+] :3 It's shiny and you can clearly read the text.

If you'd like a banner, comment and let me know :D
In addition to that, if you want, you can pick from
having a.) a layout coded by moi, b.) a fanfic of up
to 4,000 words written by moi, or c.) a set of 10 icons
by, surprise surprise, yours truly XD

And the runner-up is...

7 points

Icon #01
5 favorites

[+] I love how you interpreted the theme, and the text is just fantastic!

[+] The other one is a little too distracting for me.

[G] The red parts of the text pop out too much and look jarring. Perhaps you should have made the red parts a bit darker.

Icon #04
0 favorites

[G] While I like the coloring and the use of the sky texture, the icon has too much negative space and seems to be lacking.

Icon #06
2 favorites

[+] I love the simplicity of this icon, and how the emotion is conveyed.

[+] The simplicity is just awesome in this icon. I like the use of the gradient in the background. The text placement is very good too.

[G] The icon is a bit too dark and the pixel font doesn't really enhance the icon. Also, the text is hard to read unless you look closely since the black is hard to make out against the dark gray.

[G] This icon well cropped, but it's extremely bland and easy to overlook. The text seems to blend into the background too much for my liking.

If you'd like a banner, please comment and let me know :D

Congratulations! \o/ Over the next few days, I'll be filling in the missing chapters, releasing iconmakers' names and icons, etc.

Comments are unscreened. Go nuts! :D

- hl

chapter 7, book 1, results

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