Christmas mean "family time"

Dec 13, 2008 18:05

I am so sorry I haven't been online, everyone, but ever since my parents split up things have been weird, and for the first time in years we're going to Mom's mother's for Christmas.

Dad hated her, and we never went.

So now that Mom has all the power, she's had me helping her around the house with just about anything she can get me to do. And even though it's hopeless (you know, blind and all) she lets me decorate the tree and wrap presents. We do it together, which is kind of nice.

So to shorten this post up, I'm going to be MIA a few days. Don't freak out just because I don't respond. Gran lives waaaay out in the country and she doesn't have internet.

... has anyone talked to Aang?

((OCC: I'm a bad RP-er. So sorry I've been shirking my 'player duties.))

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