Apr 24, 2007 11:57
wow havent been here in a long ass time. this time its solely to waste time. im at WIC. my 2nd to last rotation in my 10 month dietetic internship. so close to the end. june 1st is the day. the thing with WIC is that its so completely mind-numbingly boring that its exhausting. every minute is like an hour and every day is like a week. i do nothing. nothing. nothing but sit at this computer or in the break room and pretend im doing something, which always consists of "organizing" my binder, writing and drawing in my planner, making various countdowns, drinking coffee, checking my email, and emailing ppl pathetic "shot me now" emails. no myspace or facebook here folks, although i have found a way past the surf patrol on a couple of occasions. lj isnt blocked though, which im surprised i havent discovered sooner. so i counted... i have 7 weeks here... thats 35 days... taking out didactic days, conferences, and my one sick day... that leaves 29 days here. doesnt sound like that much really... today is day 14 (seems like day 400...). that leaves 15 days. im planning on making a dentist appt in ionia so i can take that day off (since i wont have insurance come june 1st..)... so that's 14 days. technically i have 4 sick days left for the internship, but im too big of a p*ssy to use anymore since my guilty conscience and fear that ppl will think im a slacker wont let me. not like i DO anything here... not like they would even know im gone... not like i NEED to be here for 8 hours a day! pissing me off just writing about it. anyway, after this hell is over, i have 2 weeks at kelloggs, which is only really 8 1/2 days because of memorial day and our graduation being on the last day. i cant believe its almost over yet i cant remember way back when it started. working for free has been my life, i cant imagine working for money. yikes. well i guess i should quit for now and get back to working on the supposedly "huge project that will take a long time" that i finished in a day...........................