Hello Cincinnati

Oct 08, 2010 17:23

I'm here. Yeah, it's been a while. 2 months to be exact. I came in to work a show with a customer of mine. That time I stayed right on the river at a very nice Marriott. This time, no river, no marriott.. but a kick ass view of the burger king this hotel shares a parking lot with !! thanks for that.

Flight was uneventful. No upgrade this time, but oh well. I never complain when I don't since I do get upgraded so often. How can I ? It's a free upgrade. I did get an upgrade to fly home on Sunday. I really don't care either way. As long as the plane lands upright, I'm pretty happy. :-)

So tonight I have dinner with a bunch of industry folks. Meeting tomorrow morning, and then a tour of the American Watch and Clock Institute and Museum. Could be interesting I guess.

Cheers !!

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