
Oct 07, 2010 17:52

lets see:

my dryer is smoking and causing the smoke detectors to go off.. I guess I'll be buying a new one tonight.

I have to work this weekend in Cincinnati... my 4th weekend away from home in a row. Kinda sux really.

I made a cool Imovie video ( my first ) from my cruise in Sept. I dont think it can be posted on here as it is a bit long, but check it out at :

It'll put a momentary pep in your step.

My friend Nick in NY is the best. I just thought I'd put that out there. He really is. I love him.

Oh, and My Mom moved in with us. So I am about to lose my shit on an hourly basis. Seriously, I think I my world is caving in upon me. It's really thrown me for a loop, of which I have yet to recover.

So, how's your Thursday ?

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