This is a detailed description of the mirror mechanism of the Praktica 2 camera to answer a viewer question on my YouTube channel;
The first picture shows the cam (1a) on the wind up wheel that moves the whole thing: one turn will gradually move the levers in one direction and allow hem to snap back at the end of the movment. The cam movement is transferred to the cam follower (1b) which sits on a lever that ends near the center of the camera (1c) where it transfers the movement to the next section... the "arm" (2) - that is the actuator from picture 1 needs to be on the correct side of the arm, where my finger is in this picture. At this point, the movement of the wind up wheel is translated to a rocking motion of this arm around the pivot (the one with the pliers on it in the picture) - and the arm has a little pin attached that pokes through the case towards the mirror...
...and that pin (3) is what ultimately pushes down the mirror. Any other part that is visible here is related to holding the mirror down or releasing it or the aparture in the lens.
I hope this helps!