(no subject)

Jan 01, 2007 22:57

If anyone wonders where I have been I have been lacking anything interesting to write down, and still am, but have come to the realisation that if I wait for something good to say I'll never say anything at all. Being new years day and all I think I should lay out my resolutions. There is the ever present standard ones... lose weight, do more work, be a kinder soul. The ones I stole from others... watch more classic films, and read all the Jane Austen books by the end of this year. And the slightly quirky ones... host a stellar dinner party, knit a hat to keep me warm in the cold of durham, and stop leading people on, which apparently is one of my greatest faults, that with talking too much. Maybe if I write more here I'll feel less of a need to talk incessently.

Meh I need to stop boring people with chatter about myself, but sometimes I just find silence so awkwards, maybe it would be better to learn to be more comfortable with myself and then I could be happy not forcing conversation all the time, It gets boring... I guess it leads to repetition... aww well shouldn't be too hard to keep my mouth shut.

I need to finish packing, its back to england with me tomorrow night... I'll be back in the cold north of england to row for the next week and a half before everyone else gets back and classes start... It might be a little scary to be in my house all by myself, but I should get some reading done (see resolutions above)

Speaking of resolutions I think that New Years is my second most hated holiday... after Valentines Day. Both are so fake. I guess I sound like an aged spinster when I say that I hate the two most romantic holidays on the planet. the first is a needless day to party since the stupid clock changes over from 11:59 to 12:00 like it does every other night and the new year is just a time of year that after the gluttonous holiday season everyone wants to start anew, but only with someone by their side, I guess the world fresh and new all alone is an incredibly scary prospect. The other I have the usual reservations about, its commercial and superficial to communicate love through candles, chocolate and lingerie (even nice lingerie)

Rant Over
Till Next time
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