Apr 19, 2003 23:47
right now corn is my one solace. its sweet, supple, crisp and much to the disbelief of many, filling. especially when its just a can of corn youre eating. this corn is making me feel better already. i was so out of it tired and mary called me and i sounded like a fool, all mumbling and talking about god knows what, i barely remember. haha, hope i was the least bit articulate. soory : ) hope everyone has a happy easter, whatever that means to you, maybe candy, money for some (lucky you girl!) ill be working with l'bion so everyone is more than welcome to stop by our stupidbucks and help me beat him up. nighty night folks. and by the way, it was most stimulating (hwa hwa hwa, yuck it up clowns) and reviving talking to you last night P-Lo Tell. Thank you friend, i needed that about now. Keep it real ad nauseam ad infinitum.