Sep 17, 2003 21:23
Well now I know what heroin is like. Or rather the detoxification thereof. The removal of its neatly trimmed, cautiously colored needle, even if just for a while. It's not as horrific as a few to-remain-anonymous musicians have described it (the process). But it is not without it's rocks and jagged concourse. The author asks that his company be flexible with their views of him during the, as it's been described but not exactly applicable to this specific instance, the "withdrawal". He knows it will bring out a few unpleasant, possibly confusing sentiments, but rest assured he means only well, and apologizes in advance for any persons he might "bring down with him along the way" (not down as in to an end, but rather BACK down to Earth). Any said instances are only repercussions of the purification (once again not applicable but fits-the-metaphor terminology) and will surely be short-lived. So as the cliche goes, he knows it will be (not painful but) slightly annoying to others, but will all be fine in the (speedily forthcoming, but not in any sense of finality) end. Again, this is admittedly an egregious and lopsided comparison, but the author wishes to thank his wildly musically influenced creativity for an exaggeration of this magnitude and expresses his assurance that the existent reality is no where near as tragic nor painful as that of kicking something like habit-forming, life-threatining heroin. Just a neat idea and an interesting way to mark his return to LiveJournal. Please just bear with me and think of it as a good-natured trial-and-error learning process. The best to all of you. I love you, all you guys and gals. : )