Dear World,

Jun 26, 2008 17:13

You are filled with stupid people. Please stop allowing them to spawn.

A Senator was quoted on CNN as saying that $4 gas is causing Demand to increase. yeah my demand for gas is so high right now That I am pricing out how much it would cost to water proof one of those Jogger attachments for a Bike so I could ride a bicycle to work and still be able to take the kids to daycare/school no matter what the weather is like, until of course it snows and then I would have to drive again.

Not offering upper level college classes on site. I was told that to complete my 4 year degree (which based on how many credits I already have shouldn't take be but about 1.5 years to do since, again, I am a college whore and have something like 219 college credits right now, none of which add up to a single degree in anything)I would have to take all but 4 classes online. Based on my past experiance of taking this particular schools classes online I can only do one at a time. which means that I still have 4 years to go on my 4 year degree that I have been trying to get for the last 10 years. I am really starting to think that leaving VSU was a really really bad choice.

Japanese Clothing Brands. While I like them and I hate having to rant about them I think I will take just a second to do so. You see this weekend Metamorphose temps de filles is having a sale and a special set offering. Of course like any good clothes junkie I already have my email ready to go for the special set and I am planning on checking their website until the sale startes. why you ask? because about a month ago they had one of the dresses back in stock. So i ordered it but there was no payment page. So I emailed the company after I got my order confirmation telling them that I still wanted to pay. No response. so i emailed again. Still no response. I emailed a 3rd time. No response. So i gave up b/c by this point the website was showing that it was sold out again, as well as the other 2 designes. Now today the day of the sale only the design I was really wanting is listed online which makes me think either they are going to be placing them on sale and have extra stock or the other 2 are going on sale and the one I really want I will have to find on Y!Japan auctions.

these are all the rants I could think of at 0530 so many of you can do what you usually do and just ignore me.
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