Aug 15, 2007 18:54
We live in base housing. this was our choice since we are residing in a forgein country where it would cost us double what it would back in the US. The flaw with this is that the Military in all their wisdom has made having any form of Air Conditioning other than floor fans and ceiling fans Illegal on the base. Now I understand that the country that we live in does not allow for actual central air units or even unsightly window units, but they do have this wonderful thing called Portable Air Conditioning Units which look similar to a portable heater only they run like a window unit without the mess. The base sells these but has Banned their use in on base housing. Now this would be understandable if the base provided some form of Air Conditioning in the on base housing. They don't. We live on the 4th floor of our "Tower" which is military for Apartment building. Our house with every fan going and every window open, is hovering at 90 degrees. This morning when I went to the store, at 10:30 this morning it was 96 degrees outside. 96 DEGREES. We sweat just thinking about moving.
Here is the real kicker to all of this. The Housing office told me yesterday, when I complained to them about the unlivable condition the heat was making my house, that we could get a waiver from medical which would exempt us from the ban on the portable ac units. So I have my husband call medical to get started on this. Today medical calls us back and says they won't do that because they don't. It's something that housing tells people so they will come bug medical. Right now my son is coughing up green mucus and suffering from nose bleeds and all medical will do is "give him some medication" to help him out. What will help him out will be getting him out of the constant heat. So now tommorow I am going to go in person to medical. I want to speak with the doctor who made this decision and ask if they have even bothered to look at my son's medical history. Then if they still insist that it's Housing's problem, I will go back to housing. i will go all the way to the base commander if I need to. The conditions they have us living in are substandard. Is this how the military takes care of it's own? Everyone I have spoken to has expressed frustration that we get no relief from the heat. I feel sorry for those women who must constantly moniter their newborns to ensure that their children will not die from heat stroke.
sorry for the rant but after 3 weeks of living in conditions that I wouldn't even tolerate when I lived in the house I owned in Jacksonville has finally pissed me off to the point where I don't care if they ship my ass back to florida with the kids. At least, in the states, they believe in AC.