This is a blatent abuse of power

Feb 22, 2007 14:20

Bush is at it again. Now granted I haven't ever really liked the man and I blame him for quite a few problems with America but this is beyond the Pale.

Those of you who aren't news whores like I am probably haven't heard of this yet but Bush and his lackies are currently working on a plan to combine the US, Mexico and Canada as one nation. You, however, and your congressmen and women will not get a chance to voice your opinion of this thru a vote. Why? you may ask. Bush feels that he and his administration is above the law and has decided to use things like NAFTA to allow him to circumvent getting voter or congressional approval.

No matter where you feel on this subject you should write to your elected officials. You should let them know that you do not appreciate this abuse of power that Bush is so fond of flaunting whenever he wants.
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