Feb 20, 2007 10:23
So, I'm at my parents office trying to write a paper but it sucks and I really dont feel like doing that.
I stopped working at the restarunt and now I pick up hours at the office to try and cover insurance. (Im sorry if I have already said this before)
So far my classes are cool. I'm digging them. :)
German 2 is tough, but its cool... I just need to jump on that shit and start riding it. I cant let a stupid class make me its bitch. lol I think I did good on my last quiz. Not so good on the first one however. Though, we have homework due tomorrow, and a test on friday. I just really need to get atleast a B in that class... its mostly about vocab quizzes... If I can do good on those and decent on everything else, I'll be straight.
Abnormal Psych is AWESOME! Psych is kind of my thing and I'm just destroying that class! I'm in there with senior psych majors and Im just eatting their faces with awesomeness!! We havent had any graded assignments yet, but we do have a test coming up... I think the 2nd. I'm going to eat that test too!! :)
Bio 2 and Bio lab 2 are fun... I really am enjoing those classes. I hated them last semester, but this go around is treating me pretty well. Once again, I'm destroying as far as raising my hand and being that annoying person... its cool though because I'm smart and I know my shit! :D I gotta keep my quiz, abstract, and case study grades up becuase her tests are rediculous... my highest test grade last semester was prolly a C... -_- The tests just dont work for what she has taught us. Its crazy. I need a B out of those classes.
English is great too. My teacher is a grad student that is teaching us like... 6th grade comma shit. HOW AWESOME?! We write papers about horror movies and we have as many chances as we can to revise them to get a higher grade. Basically if I get anything less than an A, I'm going to stab myself. :)
Well, aside from just classes and stuff I have been being social.
I started talking to this guy, but then I realized that I dont want a serious thing so I called it off. A couple of other guys are trying to talk to me, but I really just want to be single and get drunk and just randomly make out with people on the dance floor. Thats all. :) Last weekend TJ was down which was very exciting!!!! We went to the Delt house and got trashed!! I started moshing with a guy friend of mine... and when I say moshing, I dont just mean "yay, we're jumping around and every now and then bumping into each other". No, I mean we were fucking punching each other and he kicked me in the stomach and I shoved his head into a speaker and beat the fuck out of his kidneys! Though, he got me pretty good. This was saturday, and I'm still bruise and it still hurts to put pants on becuase I have bruises on my hip bones. lol. It was great! His head was bleeding and it was just awesome! I'm so hardcore. :)
I'm still sort of talking to that guy... I mean he's cool, I just was feeling too much pressure, so now we kiss when no ones looking and I call him a Jerk and he calls me Cub. Its cute. I got that name becuase I like to sleep all curled up with the covers all up over me. Its cute. I told him that I was going to start calling him snugglebunny fufu face. He said that he would blow our cover and make out with me in front of everyone... ass. lol
He drinks too much though.
I got invited to Delt Weekend!!! I'm so excited! Not so much by who invited me, but excited becuase I'm going!! The guy that invited me is great! I love him, but only as a brother... So, I hope its just a friendly thing. I love all the freshmen guys that are Delts. They are so great! Anyway, Delt Weekend is spent at Bikini beach in FL!! yay! ILL BE BACK IN FL SOON!!! I guess the weekend consists of getting drunk and having fun... I'm down with that!
I have decided that I am going to lose 10lbs and dye my hair black again... I'm really excited. :) If not black, then a really dark brown... I kind of want a reddish tint to it. Not like firetruck red, but like just a tint of natural red. whatever. I'll figure it out. and the whole diet thing is easy to do, I just havent felt like doing it. I'm just going to drink an ass load of water, eat breakfast in the morning and fruit in the afternoon. I'm going to try to eat a healthy dinner, but I'm not sure about that yet. If it warms up I may try to start tanning, or maybe a couple weeks before I go, I'll go to a tanning bed. Its been cold here... like really cold. :(
We kind of got snow.. little flurries... nothing really to write home about.
Well, I got some new pics on my myspace of my funness if ya'll wanted to check them out and comment... love ya