[The Legend of Dragoon] Interruption

May 07, 2006 23:39

Title: Interruption
Status: Complete
Fandom: The Legend of Dragoon
Characters/Pairings: Rose/Meru
Rating: PG
Warnings: Shoujou ai, language.
Disclaimer: The Legend of Dragoon belongs to Sony Computer Entertainment. I do not own the characters or setting, nor do I make any profit from my fanfiction, which is purely for my own enjoyment.
Notes: I blame persona, who requested "RosexMeru, Law 001: Forbidden Love in Zenebatos, as high a rating as you care to go." 267 words.
Summary: See notes!


Rose turned over and leveled a cold glare at the Wingly girl, a pale shape against the night. "What?" she hissed.

Meru grinned and beckoned. "Come on! They're all asleep!"

Rose flinched and glanced back over her shoulder, but the dancer appeared to be correct. Dart was snoring softly, wrapped around Shana like a limpet. On the other side of camp, Haschel and Kongol were competing to see who could dislodge the most pebbles from the crumbling walls with the volume of their snoring. Albert was motionless, wrapped up in his cloak. She and Meru were the only ones awake.

Reluctantly she rose and tiptoed away from the camp, following Meru into the twisted mass of shadows that lay beyond the campfire's light, just inside the ancient Law City Zenebatos, where they would venture tomorrow. Meru paused and grinned over her shoulder at the Dark Dragoon. "What they don't know can't hurt us, right?"

Rose smiled, charmed against her will, and gently wrapped an arm around Meru's shoulders, kissing the younger girl softly. Meru purred and clung.

The moment was interrupted by a swarm of the little white Laptos. "Violation of Law 001," they intoned in unison. "Same-sex relationships are prohibited."

The two Dragoons found themselves hustled off to the jail, where they sat in the round stone room with no immediate means of egress.

After exploring for a moment, Rose was forced to admit they had no way out until the others came for them. "Damn," she muttered.

Meru grinned up at her. "Well...this way they definitely can't interrupt us."

Rose was forced to agree.

Author's Note: This is the most awkward damn thing I have ever, ever written.

! by request, character: rose, pairing: meru/rose, length: 100-300 words, character: meru, fandom: the legend of dragoon

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