[Final Fantasy IV] Settled

Jan 05, 2009 18:57

Pairing: Edge/Kain/Rydia
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied aftermath of sex
Notes: Written for the November 2008 round of IJ kinkfest
Summary: They've needed to have this out for quite some time now.
Word Count: 100
Beta: None

Rydia surveyed the mess in front of her. There were pillows strewn everywhere, and the blankets were a tangled disaster. Kain's tunic was peeking out from under the bedside table, and her own robes dangled from one of the bedposts. Edge's pants were somewhere in the blankets.

She turned back to face them.

"Now that we've proven we can all three get along quite nicely, do you think you two could stop snarling at each other all the time?"

Their hasty assurances amused her. Seeing them laughing together later made her smile.

It was long past time they settled that.

fandom: final fantasy iv, character: rydia drake, character: kain highwind, community: kinkfest, length: 100 words, threesome: edge/kain/rydia, character: edge geraldine

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