Title: Not Meant For the Hands of Men
Status: Complete
Fandom: Final Fantasy VI
Pairings/Characters: General Leo/Celes
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers, implicit adult content
Notes: 100 words. For my Celes and General Leo claim at
esper_cave, themes #16 Magic and #18 Power
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VI belongs to Squaresoft. I do not own the characters nor the setting, nor do I make any profit from my fanfiction, which is purely for my own enjoyment.
Summary: Magic makes Leo a little nervous.
Knowing Celes would not turn the force of her spells on him did not make it easier for Leo to watch her unleash her power. It was worse when she and Terra sparred, surrounded by the sounds of ice shattering and fire snapping. Some powers were not meant for the hands of men. Yet, her magic was a part of her, and he did not wish to take it from her. But he preferred the simpler magic of making her moan and twist under him, her nails raking his back, and the way she would cuddle close to him afterward.