[Final Fantasy VIII] Remember Me

Jun 30, 2002 16:53

Pairings/Characters: Seifer/Quistis
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some spoilers, language
Notes: This song was inspired by Tim McGraw's song "Please Remember Me."
Wordcount: 318
Summary: After the SeeD test, Seifer has some personal issues to cope with.
Beta: None

Garden was full of stupid kids, getting ready to go to class. Some wore the SeeD uniform--those who had passed yesterday. Several who had failed were still wearing their student uniforms and looking dejected. Seifer's lip curled in disgust. He had never donned the uniform for his own tests.

You never passed them either, the little voice in his head pointed out.

Seifer ignored it and grabbed the collar of the student who'd just run into him. The thirteen-year-old boy struggled, looking scared. "Detention," Seifer snapped and set him back down. The kid ran away at full speed.

Even excercising his power as a member of the Disciplinary Committee no longer seemed fun. Seifer slouched against a wall, leaning on his gunblade, and watched the crowd of students thin out. He ought to be going to class, but he wasn't.

"CLASS?" He turned to see Fujin and Raijin standing next to him.

"You go ahead. I'll catch up."

"You're gonna be in trouble if you're late again, ya know?" Raijin said. "Instructor Trepe was mad last time, ya know?"

"Just go," Seifer growled. "I'll be there."

"But, ya know, you're--OW!" Raijin hopped on one foot, rubbing the shin Fujin had just kicked.

"GO." Fujin grabbed his arm and wrestled him away, toward Instructor Trepe's classroom.

Seifer moved deeper into the shadows as the elevator door opened. Out stepped Chicken-Wuss, Leonhart, and that aggravating perky brunette who'd been the messenger yesterday.

"Have you got everything you're bringing?" Leonhart demanded.

"Yeah," Chicken-Wuss replied, nearly bouncing in place.

"I'm all set!" Perky Twit smiled brightly.

"Let's go." Leonhart strode toward the gate.

"Hey, uh, Squall, you think this'll be a hard mission?" Chicken-Wuss asked as he followed.

"...Whatever." Leonhart kept walking.

Seifer snorted to himself. Leonhart, leading a SeeD team? What a laugh.

"I'm glad you find your tardiness so amusing, Seifer," a voice remarked coolly to his left.


Well, that's a start, anyway....

character: seifer almasy, character: quistis trepe, length: 300-500 words, pairing: quistis/seifer, fandom: final fantasy viii

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