Mar 04, 2007 03:42
In my opinion there are many reasons to dislike jello. For one, it is a bland tasteless gelatin made with far too much sugar. Two, it is served in hospitals and usually served to children which alludes to its bad reputation. Three, for some of us, okay just me, it feels awkward in your mouth. I mean you can not exactly chew it and it never stays on your spoon. It is like it can not stop moving. Four, it is squishy and people put weird floaty fruits inside of it, and send it along with a fruit cake on holidays.
Part of me worries about the texture, you can poke it and it does not lose shape... Have you ever seen frozen jello? No? It is not pretty.
Anywho, pudding is a completely different story. It is tasty. It is able to sit still on your spoon, it comes in many different flavors including chocolate. Ha! Can jello do that? I think not. And can be made in less than five minutes not including cool time. (Ignores that this can be done with jello also.) I love pudding...
But in conclusion, jello scares me. It is a dessert that should be banned from the public!
Just another thought... Why is it so intense when you watch sports' anime i.e. Prince of Tennis, or games' anime i.e. Hikaru No Go? I mean if you were really watching a Go game you really wouldn't be that interested would you?
real life,
scared of jello,
pudding fetish