Player info!

Nov 29, 2006 01:22

Me: My name's Cassandra, and I go by Cass or Cassie, but uh, I don't answer to that in chan because I usually think people are talking about comic book characters. 8D So Dee and Tolle's just fine. Both of those ping me nice and loud.

I play: Dee Laytner (cock_my_gun and Tolle Koenig (athrowned).

Available on: IRC (#campfuckudie): Dee or Tolle, AIM: Ignited Blitz, LJ: peach_ponta, e-mail: skygrasperunit [at] gmail [dot] com.

Timezone/Language: Eastern Standard Time, and I speaka zee English. But I can be available almost whenever depending on my classes/what I'm doing the next day (which is usually nothing, but.)

The playing experience: I like being jumped with either character, so really, you don't even have to ask. Just go for it. :Db

Also, if I drop a thread, forget a thread, etc, feel free to e-kick my ass into replying. I really don't mind continuing threads the next day, either!

Goals: Uh, like everyone else has said, I want to establish a good group of friends with both characters, especially with Tolle and people outside of canon. Also on that note, fix certain things with Tolle, ie: Miriallia angst and Athrun stuffu.

Betaing: a sucky beta, but I do beta. So if you ask, I'll do it! I have a beta post up in Dee's journal...somewhere.

AUs: With Dee, yes. With Tolle, it depends on what you mean by AU. If it's a random party/get together/crack, then sure, but otherwise, no. XD

Pimping: YES READ MY CANONS. I don't have much of FAKE to pimp, but I am working on scanning my manga so I'll have it readily available. As for Gundam SEED, if someone wants it and Yzak-mun's links expire, I can re-up it, or attempt to. Same goes for Destiny~

Other: 'Sup, I'm easy and willing to do almost anything.

player info

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