chop chop!

Sep 23, 2009 21:17

It's not a friend's cut, it's more of an acquaintance cut.

So here's the deal. If you don't comment on my LJ, then you will be cut. If that hurts your feelings, well, I could say it hurts my feelings that you can't be bothered to comment here. That's not true though. I'm not hurt and this is not high school, no matter how much it resembles it sometimes. I just prefer a small f-list of real friends; people I feel I've made a connection with, and I figure we're not connecting if you have nothing to say to me. And that's fine, really, but let's not pretend. If I cut you and we run across each other at mutual communities, I will hold no hard feelings. And if you don't have time to comment here, then I figure I'm doing you a favor anyway. One less LJ you have to see on your f-list.

Comments are screened. Feel free to bitch me out if you wish. I'm really not trying to hurt anyone. Really.

friends cut

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