Update on the plagiarism debacle.

Jun 18, 2009 17:18

Here's what I've compiled so far:

Deminio's story, The Little Prince.

My story, Arms of a Woman, here.

And also here where I first posted it.

From her story:

She wants to hope that something is going to change; she wants to believe that he didn’t really mean what he said.

But the next sentence he utters is like a punch to the stomach that steals her breath away.

“Get rid of it.”

His voice is steady, emotionless, his eyes void from every emotion.

From mine:

"I'm pregnant," you tell him, soft yet defiant. You expect nothing from him, and that is exactly what you get.

He pauses, scowls and says, "Get rid of it," in no uncertain terms. Whatever softness you saw (imagined?) in him is gone, like he has petrified right before your eyes.

From hers:

“If you can’t deal with me and look at me from now on just tell me. I’ll make sure to make your life easier.” She says with a sigh and without waiting for him to talk again she exits the office without looking back.

From mine:

"I can't. You know I can't. You don't have to be a part of it. I don't expect you to. I just need to know if you can deal with me here or if I should start looking for another job."

From hers:

She smiles sadly at him and she lets out a sigh.

“I had a miscarriage two days ago.” She announces as an answer to his question and before he can say anything she exits the office, not wanting to see the relief on his face.

The only problem is that relief is the last thing he feels at the moment…

From mine:

"I had a miscarriage three days ago," you mutter with a shrug, and a moment later you hear the door whoosh again as he exits the lab.

You don't want to think about the relief he's probably feeling.

From hers:

Why doesn’t he feel relief? Why isn’t he calm again after her announcement? Why is he feeling like someone cut out a piece of his heart and threw it away? Why is he feeling even emptier than when she left his apartment that night?

Too many questions and no answers…

He should feel relieved. After all, he didn’t want the kid in the first place, right?

From mine:

You limp your way back to the office and flop down in your office chair. There is a strange knot in your stomach at the thought of Cameron's miscarriage. You didn't even want the kid, so there's no reason you should feel as if you've lost something. Yet there it is, like a piece of you has been cut out against your will. You know that feeling well.

Evidence she stole from another author, collected back in November 2007.

And more, as compiled by jesmel:

Deminio's story, His Angel chapter one which has way too many similarities to

Dragynflies story, Serenity chapter one.

And chapter 29 of Deminio's story, His future which has way too many similarities to

Salvation, chapter one, also by Dragynflies.

I've posted all this at stop_plagiarism as well, but it's in the moderation queue, so I don't know when it will appear.

Edit: I've figured out how to do screen caps, so I've got caps of all deminio's chapters in question. I've also just sent her this PM:

Chapter one of your story, "The Little Prince," is a plagiarized version of chapter one of my story, "Arms of a Woman." I see you have other plagiarized bits in some of your other stories. Namely, chapter 27 of "That Night" is a copy of chapter 20 of mishymo's "A Different Reason." Chapter one of "His Angel" has bits copied from chapter one of Dragynflies "Serenity." And in chapter 29 of "His Future" you've copied bits from chapter one of Dragynflies "Salvation."

I worked very hard on my story, as did those other authors. To have someone take my words and claim them as their own feels like a violation. I will not let this go. If you do not take the stories down (or at least the stolen parts) within the next few days, I'm reporting you to the abuse section of this site as a plagiarist. I've already sent a report to the live journal community called stop_plagiarism, where they will investigate and list your user name as a known plagiarist for a minimum of one year. I have taken screen caps of all the sections where you've copied another author's work and I will be holding on to them as proof of your theft.

Please respond to me ASAP and assure me you will be taking down or have already taken down the stolen stories/chapters. Otherwise, I will continue to pursue disciplinary action.

Edit two, her reply:

First of all hello. I don't think we've ever talked again here or at any other site.

As for the subject of your message I wouldn't do something like that on purpose, really. When I was witting my stories I had no intention of copying parts of other writers’ stories and I'm sorry if I have unintentionally done it.
If you would like to point out those parts so I could change them I would appreciate it.
I'm sorry for the situation but it wasn't something done on purpose...



And my response:

Thanks for getting back to me. Excuse it in whatever way you want, but to say you didn't do it on purpose is bullshit. There are parts of your stories that are way too similar to the parts of mine and the other authors works to be coincidental. If it had only happened once, I would believe you, but I've found five incidents in five different stories of yours. That's not accidental.

From your story:

She wants to hope that something is going to change; she wants to believe that he didn’t really mean what he said.

But the next sentence he utters is like a punch to the stomach that steals her breath away.

“Get rid of it.”

His voice is steady, emotionless, his eyes void from every emotion.


From mine:

"I'm pregnant," you tell him, soft yet defiant. You expect nothing from him, and that is exactly what you get.

He pauses, scowls and says, "Get rid of it," in no uncertain terms. Whatever softness you saw (imagined?) in him is gone, like he has petrified right before your eyes.


From yours:

“If you can’t deal with me and look at me from now on just tell me. I’ll make sure to make your life easier.” She says with a sigh and without waiting for him to talk again she exits the office without looking back.


From mine:

"I can't. You know I can't. You don't have to be a part of it. I don't expect you to. I just need to know if you can deal with me here or if I should start looking for another job."


From yours:

She smiles sadly at him and she lets out a sigh.

“I had a miscarriage two days ago.” She announces as an answer to his question and before he can say anything she exits the office, not wanting to see the relief on his face.

The only problem is that relief is the last thing he feels at the moment…


From mine:

"I had a miscarriage three days ago," you mutter with a shrug, and a moment later you hear the door whoosh again as he exits the lab.

You don't want to think about the relief he's probably feeling.


From yours:

Why doesn’t he feel relief? Why isn’t he calm again after her announcement? Why is he feeling like someone cut out a piece of his heart and threw it away? Why is he feeling even emptier than when she left his apartment that night?

Too many questions and no answers…

He should feel relieved. After all, he didn’t want the kid in the first place, right?


From mine:

You limp your way back to the office and flop down in your office chair. There is a strange knot in your stomach at the thought of Cameron's miscarriage. You didn't even want the kid, so there's no reason you should feel as if you've lost something. Yet there it is, like a piece of you has been cut out against your will. You know that feeling well.


That's a good portion of your entire first chapter, as it is of mine as well. Not to mention the basic storyline is the same. Mine was posted last December, but it was posted even earlier on my livejournal. I don't want you to change it, I want it taken down. If it's not, I'll report you. I've got the email with all the evidence ready to go and all I have to do is send it. I'm not usually this hostile, but for you to steal my words and claim them as your own is extremely hurtful to me. All those reviews you got? Rightfully mine.

As for the other stories, I'll give you the links, you can look for yourself. I've contacted those two authors as well, so you may be hearing from them on this.


Chapter one of "His Angel" has bits stolen from chapter one of "Serenity" by dragynflies.



Chapter 29 "His future" has way too many similarities to chapter one of "Salvation," also by dragynflies.



Chapter 27 of "That Night" has stolen sections from chapter 20 of mishymo's "A Different Reason."


Also, if you check your reviews for chapter 27 of that night, you will see that I have mentioned this issue to you before. You ignored me, which adds to my belief that you did this intentionally.

Again, I want "The Little Prince" taken down. If you want to change the stolen chapters of your other stories, that's up to you. If "The Little Prince" hasn't been removed by tonight though, I'm sending my email to the maintainers of this site.

Edit three, response from deminio:

Story's down as you wanted..

My reply to her:

Thank you. I'm trying very hard not to be bitter about this. That's not the kind of person I am. I would recommend you get a beta reader who can help you with grammar, spelling, characterization, and mostly make sure your work is original and not a pale copy of another author's. Obviously that someone would have to have read a good deal of House/Cameron stories, but there are people out there who read them all, so if you put the word out, you may find someone.

I'll be continuing to watch and read, and I'll be saving the screen caps that I have taken.

fanfiction, plagiarism

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