Do you like the option to buy the pretty fish from Africa in the pet store? How about the furry Chinchilla from the Andes Mountains? Care to keep an Iguana from South America? Exotic corals from the South Pacific? Since they're all non-native to the US, that option could well be taken away from you if the below Bill makes it through Congress to Obama's desk. Non-native species in the pet trade encompass virtually every bird, reptile, fish and a number of mammals commonly kept as pets.
The House of Representatives has a Bill in committee which seeks to legislate for the entire country what is a dangerous non-native animal. Nevermind that the ecosystems of Florida vary wildly form that of Colorado. They'll trounce right over the laws that the respective states have in place on what animals are legal to bring into their state. Please contact your Representative before the 23 April hearing on this Bill and express to them your support or opposition for it.
The Bill: Find out who your Rep is here: